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josephine lupin-black

The next morning I awoke in my bed. My head was hurting from the events the night before. We danced and laughed all night long, eating sweets, and even sneaking out to prank first years.

I clambered out of bed and over to my closet to pick my outfit for the day. I opened the window to feel the air outside; it was rather cold. I pulled out a flannel trench coat and tugged it on over my shirt and jeans hastily.

I quickly walked down the steps to the common room, where the twins stood with Harry and Ron.

"She's mental, I'm telling you," Ron said, holding out his hand. "I mean look at this."

I walked up behind the twins and stood up on my tiptoes, wrapping my arms around their shoulders.

"Who's mental?" I asked nosily.

Harry held out his hand, scarred over words on the back of his hand. The words "I must not tell lies."

"She insane!" I asked loudly. "She's physically hurting students, that's practically illegal." I held out my hand, which also had the scars. "This is from last week. Is there nothing we can do to stop her?!"

Ron shrugged. "It's the Ministry, so there is nothing we can do about it."

We talked for a few more moments before the twins and I decided to head out. We made plans to meet Harry, Ron, and Hermione at The Three Broomsticks at noon.

"What could they possibly be planning?" I asked as we trudged along in the cool wind.

"Oh no telling with those three," George chuckled. "They're constantly almost dying each year. Probably one of Harry's plans to 'save the Wizarding World.'"

I shook my head. "Well, that's certainly reassuring."

Fred laughed and shoved his hands in his coat

After several moments of walking we arrived at Fred and George's favorite store in Hogsmede; Zonko's Joke Shop.

"Look at this!" Fred yelled, picking up a trick telescope that exploded into fireworks that created our galaxy.

George picked up a box of "Flaming Hot Chocolate Bites; Russian Roulette Game."

"Oh we are sooooo getting this!" he said excitedly.

I turned on my heel and walked up to the register. "Excuse me, can I have a bag please?"

The girl at the register wasn't the normal worker. This one was rather young, possibly a third year. She nodded with a smile, and handed me a woven tote-bag. I opened the bag as Fred and George tossed things in the bag for pranks.

"You just make your own," I stated as I followed them across the store. "I don't understand why you must get so much."

Fred smirked at me as he added some trick quills into the bag. "We need ideas, darling. We have to have something to motivate us to come up with a new extravagant prank."

I shook my head, the bag growing heavily. "You two are crazy, you know that. But, I'm getting you both back. You're going dress shopping with me."

George groaned. "Why do you even need a dress?"

I rolled my eyes. "For the ball, of course. Umbridge has ordered everyone to attend as a matter of 'proper manners in royal situations.'"

The twins shrugged. "We haven't heard a thing."

"You two are unbelievable," I laughed. "It's next weekend, you bloody idiots. Guess we're getting you two suits."

They made a throaty groan, that could've passed as a Hippogriff coughing up a hair-ball.

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