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josephine lupin-black

Harry showed up a few weeks later after being rescued from the Dursley's by the Advanced Guard. Sirius was so excited to see him, the feeling mutual on Harry's side.

"So you're the-" Harry began.

My eyes met his at the kitchen table while eating. "The daughter of Bellatrix and Snape? Yes."

"She's quite the one to get into an argument with," Fred stated, leaning forward on his elbows, George copying his movement. "She will always beat you," he smirked. "Even with the stupidest argument, like whether the liver or bogey flavored Bertie Botts Bean is worse, she'll still beat you."

I rolled my eyes with a chuckle, tapping my foot against the ground. We were seated in the living room, Fred and George in the floor leaning over the coffee table, Hermione in a worn leather chair with Ginny sitting on the edge of it, peering over her shoulder at the book she was reading. Ron was flipping through the newspaper, Harry seated across from me on the couch.

"It's easy beating you boys in arguments," Hermione stated, not looking up from her book.

"Honestly," Ginny smirked, "what's with boys not being able to tell the difference between a disagreement and an argument?"

Hermione nodded, shutting her book. "Or being able to come up with actually smart and thought-through rebuttals?"

"Oi, you!" Ron screeched, slamming the paper down on the coffee table. "It isn't our fault you're the smartest witch we know!"

"Didn't you mistake your dress robes for Ginny's last year?" Fred asked with a grin, the skin around his lips folding and creasing with the movement, his freckles shining against his cheeks.

George nodded. "And Ginny looked at you like you were crazy, saying 'I'm not wearing that, it's gastly!'"

The room roared with laughter as Ron scoffed and pouted. "I LOOKED LIKE GREAT AUNT TESSIE!" he yelled, causing a fit of more laughter.

"Well mate, sorry to tell you, but you smelt like her too!" Fred hollered.

Once we all settled down, we headed to bed. It was our last day here, and we'd be leaving for Hogwarts tomorrow. Nerves riddled my body, my trunk already packed and ready to go.

"Are you excited?" Hermione asked me as I sat down on the edge of her bed in my pajamas.

"I am," I smiled. "What house do you reckon I'll be sorted into?"

"Blimey, you've been raised all your life by two Gryffindors. I can almost certainly guarantee you'll also be one."

"That makes sense," I nodded. "Alright. Well, I'm going to head to bed." I stood up swiftly. "See you in the morning."

"Goodnight, Joey!" Hermione and Ginny yelled as I walked out of their room and down the hall to mine.

I entered, and caught Fred poking through my pictures. I crossed my arms over my shoulder, rolling my eyes. "Merlin, Freddie, I told you that if you needed anything you could come in here to get me, not just snoop around at your own leisure."

He shrugged. "Just trying to learn more about Sirius and Lupin's mysterious daughter."

I plopped down on the floor, leaning up against my bed. "Fine. Sit down and I'll answer all your questions, but you have to answer mine."

He took a seat in front of me, leaning against the couch that sat up against the wall. "Alright. Hmm...what is your birthday?"

I smirked. "On Halloween. Your's?"

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