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josephine weasley

It had been 6 weeks since Harry, Hermione, and Ron disappeared. Ginny went back to Hogwarts, sending us letters everyday. She only sent them to me and Fred to pass on to her siblings, not wanting to scare her mum and dad. Hogwarts was now controlled by Snape and the Carrow twins, fellow Death Eaters whom Draco and I had met several times. The Death Eaters ruled the school, Pansy, Blaise, Draco, Goyle, and Crabbe all working for the Carrows to scare and torture first years. The horror stories Ginny sent were thrilling.

"We have to go see her," Fred spoke, sitting across from me on the arm of the couch as I stood leaning against the kitchen table.

We were in our kitchen. Charlie, George, and Angelina were staying with us now, leaving Molly and Arthur alone. They were busy enough as it was, though, preparing for the war we all knew would happen.

"Freddie," I replied, sighing, "you know we can't do that."

"THEY SENT A BLOODY PIT BULL ON HER!" George yelled, throwing a cup across the room.

I leaned down, running my fingers over my temples. "I can do something."

Fred shook his head as I looked up. "No. You aren't doing anything. It's too dangerous."

"Draco's my cousin. Snape is my dad." I moved towards him. "I signed up for this the second I got that letter Fred. Let me use it for good."

"What are you talking about?" Angelina asked, her arms crossed in front of her chest as she stood between Charlie and George.

Fred narrowed his eyes at me and I shook my head.

"They deserve to know," I whispered, turning around. "Back a while ago I received a letter from Snape, my birth father. He explained to me that Dumbledore had ordered him to help him protect Draco at all costs. Of course I said yes because he was my cousin, and so I began to help him...to help him do things."

"What did you do?" George pressed on.

"I helped him repair a Vanishing Cabinet. The cabinet that would be used to sneak Death Eaters into Hogwarts to kill Dumbledore." They stared me down and I looked down at my feet. "I-I went to Malfoy Manor, sat next to Voldemort himself before he ordered me to the dungeons where he gave me this." I pulled up my left arm sleeve, revealing the Dark Mark on my arm. Their stares burned into me as they backed up a few paces before I pulled the sleeve back down. "I turned myself into another person. I was there when Dumbledore was killed. I watched it happen. After it happened I followed Snape and the other Death Eaters into the woods. Snape and I broke away where he gave me the antidote to the potion, transforming me back into myself so I could change into pajamas and pretend I was stuck in my dorms when it happened."

Angelina moved close to me, dropping her hand down to her pocket and pulling her wand out, pointing it at my throat. I could feel the tip of it digging into my skin, stabbing me. I swallowed as she kept it pointed at me, not blinking as she twisted her hand. "You are the reason he is dead," she spoke. "You sold out the Order's plans to them. You betrayed Bill and Fleur at the wedding."

I shook my head. "I didn't. I swear. I know I'm the reason Dumbledore is dead, but I can help. Let me help."

George moved slightly forward, Fred's wand pointed at Angelina. "Angie, let her speak," he pleaded, grabbing her arm.

"Give me your wand," she ordered.

My hand dropped down to my pocket, pulling it out and handing it over to her before she allowed George to pull her back.

"How can you help, you traitor?" she asked, sticking the wand in her back pocket.

I let out a sigh. "I can spy. I can go to the Death Eater meetings, find out their plans, and give them to you."

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