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josephine lupin-black

A few days passed, and I was walking through the halls with Fred. Suddenly, a force blasted the two of us apart.

I crashed into the wall opposite of where Fred landed, and stood up. I carefully stood up and rubbed my shoulder. "What the bloody hell was-" I looked up, scowling.

There, in all her perfect pink robes and attire,
stood Professor Umbridge.

She laughed in her annoying way before saying, "Boys and girls should be 8 inches apart at all times, you two know that."

"You want to know something you should know..." I began as I walked at her.

Fred grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back. "Hey, it's okay, come on," he said, turning around and walking away, pulling me behind him. "She isn't worth our time."

I walked over to a bench and plopped down,
pulling off my Gryffindor robes. I rolled up the sleeve of my white button up. Blood trickled down my arm. "She knocked me into a bloody doorknob, for Merlin's sake," I muttered. "Yeah, I'm definitely going to need a bandage."

Fred nodded. "I have a first aid kit in my dorm, that way we won't be taking up Pomfrey's time." He stood up, pulling me up with him. I grabbed a tissue out of my pocket and placed it on my arm as we walked up the stairs. He turned around to look at me. "Are you okay?" he asked.

I laughed a little. "It's just a cut, Freddie, I'm fine."

We reached the Fat Lady and ducked inside. He led me up to his dorm and ordered me to sit on his bed.

"Yes sir," I smirked. I plopped down and rolled my sleeve up a bit. "Let me do it," I said to him. "You won't be able to reach it without my shirt off."

He shook his head. "You can take it off," he smiled. "I don't mind, as long as you're okay with it."

I shrugged. "Yeah, I'm fine with it."

I unbuttoned my shirt, and threw it on the bed next to me, leaving me in an undershirt. He moved my hand from my shoulder, revealing the cut.

"This might sting," he told me, before putting a wet cloth on my cut.

"Why are you using muggle products?" I asked. "Normally you can just heal cuts with magic."

"Dad likes muggle stuff," he responded, still cleaning my shoulder. "George and I keep them with us most of the time. We test all out joke products out on ourselves. I'm sorry, would you rather me use magic?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm alright with the muggle first-aid kit."

He lifted my arm and started wrapping it with a gauze bandage. "And, done," he smiled as he cleaned up all the medical products and placed them back into the box.

I smiled back at him. "Thank you."

He handed me my shirt and I took it, beginning to button it. I stood up and walked over to the mirror, still buttoning my shirt.

"My hair looks awful," I criticized, looking in the mirror and trying to smooth it out.

He laughed. "You look fine, darling."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh please, you're only saying that because you know Ginny will bat-bogey hex you if you don't."

He shook his head and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me from behind, resting his chin on the top of my head.

"No, I mean it. You could be wearing Dobby's tea-cozy and still look fine."

I laughed and looked at him in the mirror, before my face dropped. "Please tell me you don't WANT me to wear Dobby's tea-cozy."

He smirked playfully. "Well, I wouldn't be apposed..."

I smacked his arm that was still around my waist. "You're awful."

The corners of his mouth turned up into a smile. "Oh trust me, I know, darling." He leaned down and kissed me. Not breaking the kiss he turned me around, his hands one my waist.

There was a knock at the door and it opened with a creak. We both turned around quickly and George looked at us wide-eyed. He looked at Fred, not acknowledging me because I realized my shirt still wasn't buttoned.

"Sorry to...erm...interrupt," he stated as I worked on buttoning you my shirt. "Neville found a place for us to practice. We're...We're starting today."

Fred nodded. "Alright, uh, well thanks. We'll be down in a moment."

I fixed my hair and we took off walking down the stairs, my face hot.

"There you two are!" Hermione yelled. "Come
on, Harry and Ron are there now with the rest of the DA."

Fred and I looked at her confused. "The DA?"

"Dumbledore's Army, of course," she said annoyed. "Now come on."

We scurried off to the seventh floor behind Hermione. She paced back and fourth in the corridor between the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy and a blank wall three times.

Suddenly, a door appeared, with Ron, Harry, Luna, Neville, Nigel, Cho, and several other students. George stood off to the side, smirking at Fred and I.

"Welcome to your first ever DA meeting!" Harry said happily. "Hermione here has created a secret way for us to communicate."

Hermione pulled out a bag from her cloak pocket and handed a coin to each of us. "The notches on the sides can create words," she stated. "Whenever we can have a meeting without it being suspicious I will send you a message through the coin telling you when to meet us here."

I flipped the coin over in my hand. It looked so realistic, there's no way we could ever be caught.

"I also created a punishment for anyone who snitches to Umbridge or her Inquisitorial Squad, but you'll find out what it is if it happens. I won't tell you, because that'd ruin the fun."

They went over the rest of our rules, and then Harry began teaching us a simple spell, just to start us off.

"Expelliarmus," he stated, walking around the room, "is a spell to disarm any witch or wizard. It's not hard, but it isn't easy either." He pointed his wand at the mannequin of the death eater. "EXPELLIARMUS!" he yelled, the wand flying out of its hand. He nodded, proudly, and looked at the rest of us. "Stand steady. We aren't here to make fun of anyone who cannot do it, we're here to help each other."

By the end of the night we carefully snuck out of the Room of Requirement, or our code-word, the ROR.

Fred and I walked hand-in-hand up the stairs to the common room.

"So...want to resume what we started earlier-?" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Freddie, we have classes
tomorrow. Besides, George is in there now, and the girls would most definitely know what was going on."

He pouted playfully. "Fine. And you know I wouldn't do anything you know without you being okay with it, right?"

I smiled and kissed him, us now standing by the fire in the common room. "I know, Freddie," I smiled. "Goodnight."

He smiled and started walking up the stairs to his room. "Goodnight, darling."

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