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josephine weasley

I pushed my food around on my dinner plate. It was Monday, June 30th, the day that Draco would kill Dumbledore. The day before the last day of term. Dumbledore knew this was going to happen. Snape had warned him of this. Dumbledore was the reason I was involved in it all in the first place.

"Hello, earth to Joey," Harry's voice spoke, snapping me from my thoughts.


"What's with you today?" he asked. "You're acting kind"

I shook my head. "I-I didn't sleep well."

His emerald eyes gleamed at me as I spoke, worry scarring over the surface. "You sure?"

"Yeah. I got home from Hogsmede late. Drank a little too much, and it gave me a migraine."

"'Mione and I were worried you'd never come back," Ginny laughed from beside Harry. "We tried to wait up for you but we were just so tired."

I faked a laugh. "Yeah, you two were out of it when I showed up." My eyes met Draco's across the Great Hall, and then traveled up to Snape's at the front of the room, sitting beside all of our other professors. "You know, I've got to go get some things from McGonagall's classroom for the graduation tomorrow. I'll see you later."

They mumbled "goodbye" to me as I pulled my bag over my arm and walked out of the Great Hall. Once the door had shut behind me, I sprinted down the halls to the staircases and up to the Fat Lady's portrait.

"Password?" she asked.

"Mimbulus Mimbletonia."

The passage opened and I walked through quickly. The common room was completely empty as I charged up the stairs, slamming the door to my dorm open and throwing my bag on the bed. I clutched the black dress that laid on top of my trunk. I sniffed slightly as I pulled off my school robes, replacing them with the black dress that came down to the floor, pulling a black cardigan over top and letting my hair out of its ponytail, falling around my shoulders.

I shoved my wand into my pocket before running back out of the dorms and down the steps, jumping over the trick step as I did so, and turning down the corridor that led to the steps that took me to the 7th floor in the left corridor. I saw the Barnabus the Barmy tapestry, and opposite stood Draco in an all black suit. He nodded his head at me, and I walked over to him, the two of us entering through the door that had appeared.

We made our way over to the Vanishing Cabinet in silence, staring at it.

"How much time until they come?" I asked.

"Three minutes," Draco spoke, still staring at the front door of the cabinet.

I nodded at him, looking down sadly.

"Why did you do it?" he asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you get the Dark Mark? Do you know how bad it will be when Potter and his pose find out about what you've done?"

I nodded. "I know how they will react. They'll understand why I did it after the war is over. They'll realize what I did was for the greater good."

"If Potter is there tonight with Granger and the Weasleys, what will you do if they see you?"

I laughed. "They won't, believe me. Snape will make sure of it, I promise."

"What you're doing is extremely dangerous, cousin."

"I live for danger, Malfoy. Why else would I have married a Weasley Twin if not for a bit of life out on the edge?"

We sat in silence, staring at each other before I looked back at him. "Did you cast the Dark Mark over the school in order to get Dumbledore back so quickly?"

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