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josephine lupin-black

About a month or two passed of Draco and I repairing the Vanishing Cabinet. Fred and I constantly sent letters, practically everyday. Snape would check up with Draco and I every few weeks, making sure we were making progress.

"I managed to find a person who has those bolt-looking things and one of us need to meet up with him in Hogsmede," I told Draco as I took a bite of my candy from Honeydukes.

"How in the name of Merlin did you find it?" he asked me, stealing an exploding bonbon.

"I have acquaintances," I smirked. "Now uh, question, how bad does it hurt?" My face dropped into a frown.

He looked down at his forearm. "It burns like hell, it does," he whispered. "I scrubbed my arm for hours until it bled trying to get rid of it after I was...initiated."

I nodded my head sadly. "It'll all go away one day, you know? One day all of this will be just nothing more than a bad memory."

His head shook sadly in disagreement. "But what if it won't? My father will always be there, and those memories will always haunt me. The memories of him abusing me, forcing me into the Death Eaters, forcing me to bully kids at school because if I didn't he-he'd let Bellatrix discipline me."

I looked him in the eyes, the normal piercing grey of his irises now clouded with sad tears. "What-what did my mother do to you, Draco?"

He looked back down, a small tear falling onto the floor. He wiped his cheek quickly. "It's nothing, Josephine," he announced as he stood up, his movements swift and angry. "I'll get the bolt this weekend. See you then, cousin."

He marched from the room as I fumbled with my fingers before standing up and gathering my things. I left the room and walked down the corridors to the common room.

Hermione sat reading with a blanket on her lap, drinking tea.

"Where have you been?" she asked me.

"Oh, I had some extra work for Snape," I said as I rolled my eyes. "I swear he wants to torture me right before our first big game against Hufflepuff."

She laughed in response and shut her book, sitting up to allow me to sit by her feet. "Are you excited to see Fred for the first time in months?" she asked, with a smirk.

"I am," I smiled. "It's been torture without him, I swear. There's been no pranks, no laughing and drinking Fire Whiskey all night in the boy's dorms. It's all just so...gloomy."

Her eyes traveled to the wall behind me, a smile on her face.

"What?" I asked her. "Why in the name of Merlin are you smiling at a wall?"

I turned around and there in front of me was the lingering shadow of Fred and George in all their six foot one glory. I jumped up and stood on the cushions of the couch, throwing my arms around the both of them.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked them as I pulled away and looked up at Fred and kissed him. "Why are you here?"

He laughed and jumped over the back of the couch, George doing the same on the other side of me as he ruffled my hair.

"Freddie here just wouldn't shut up about missing you and wanting to watch your big game tomorrow so we decided to sneak in early," George laughed as he rolled his eyes.

Fred reached his hand up and grabbed my hand, pulling me down to sit next to him. "You watch it, Georgie, or your hair won't be ginger in the morning."

George gasped dramatically and placed his hand over his heart as if he was in pain. "Not the hair! It's my best feature!"

I laughed and smacked him on the back of the head with my hand. "You, my dear pathetic friend, should be an actor."

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