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josephine lupin-black

We were back at Hogwarts now, and it was now February. We had advanced very far in our training, thanks to Harry.

"Welcome back, all of you," Harry smiled, walking around the group of us. "Today, we
will be working on patronus's. They are very powerful, and can protect you from dementors."

He pointed his wand at the boggart of a dementor and said clearly, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"

The boggart shrunk back and fell into the trunk it was originally in, which Fred slammed shut and locked.

"Now, we won't be starting on boggarts today, actually," Harry stated clearly, turning back to look at us. "Today, we will be trying to figure out what conjures YOUR patronus, and what shape it takes. Mine takes the form of a stag, like my father. Everyone's patronus will be different, and they will normally fit the one you love in some way, but sometimes, it doesn't happen."

We began working on our patronus's. Hermione got her's; an otter, Ron got his; a Jack Russel Terrier, Fred and George got
their's; a magpie, and Ginny got her's; a stallion.

"You need a stronger, happy memory," Harry told me.

I closed my eyes and thought of Fred and I at the Burrow, and him giving me my necklace. The sweater Molly gave me, and watching Grease with the whole Weasley family on repeat, Fred and I obnoxiously singing "Hopelessly Devoted to You," over and over. Fred's smile when I gave him his present.

"Expecto Patronum!" I yelled, opening my eyes.

A silvery fox jumped out of my wand, and ran around the room happily. I smiled as it ran around for awhile, tripping Neville at one point.

After our class ended, we walked out in small groups, careful not to exceed the expectations of Umbridge.

"What did you think about?" Fred asked me as we walked down the corridors with George and Neville.

I cleared my throat. "Oh I just thought about my dads teaching me how to ride a broom," I smiled. "What'd you think about?"

He smiled a little bit. "Oh-uh, just pranking people with George and Peeves."

I nodded my head, walking up the stairs and skipping over the trick step. We murmured the password to The Fat Lady, and she swung her portrait open.

"I'm going to go change, and then I'll come to your dorm, if that's okay?" I asked Fred.

"Of course," he smiled. "George is sneaking over to Angelina's dorm anyway. And I have a surprise for you."

"Oh really?" I laughed and headed up the steps to my dorm.

"I've been singing that bloody song all day!" Ginny groaned, sitting down. "Curse you for introducing my family to Grease."

A laugh escaped my lips as I started changing. "For the record, Fred is the one who got it so we could watch it."

Hermione nodded. "How do you even know all these muggle movies and songs? You grew up in a wizard home."

"Yes, I did," I nodded. "But I was only ever allowed in the muggle world. And listening to the music in the wizarding world over and over gets repetitive. So, I began listening to muggle music."

"Well I forbid you to teach my brothers anymore," Ginny laughed.

I bent over and pulled a box out from under my bed and held it up. "Well were going to have to extend that for a little longer because I may have more-"

The girls looked at me confused. "What's that for?"

A chuckle escaped my throat as I sat the box on my bed and buttoned up my pajama set.

"It's Valentine's Day, of course," I smiled. "And this is for Freddie."

Ginny and Hermione smirked at each other. "I wonder what he got you-?"

My eyes met theirs as I pulled a jacket on over my pajamas as it was a little chilly.

" know, don't you?"

They shrugged, still smiling ear to ear.

I rolled my eyes, giggling. "Of course you two know."

I picked the parcel up off of my bed and tucked it in the inside of my jacket. I headed out the door, shaking my head while laughing as Ginny and Hermione waited eagerly.

I knocked on his door, before opening it. He stood in his pajama pants while pulling on a tee-shirt.

"Well there you are," he smiled, walking over and kissing me. "I was starting to worry."

My lip curled up into a smile. "The girls were talking to me," I laughed.

He narrowed his eyes a little, an adorable puzzled look plastered to his face.

"They didn't tell me anything," I laughed, sitting down on the bed. "I got you something."

"Oh really, now?" he asked, sitting down next to me.

I nodded and pulled the box out of the inside of my jacket. I handed it over to him.

"Now, it isn't much," I chuckled as he pulled the paper off of it and opened the lid. He fumbled through the multiple VHS tapes and cassette tapes. "I figured I'd get you some more muggle music and movies."

He smiled ear-to-ear and put his hand under my chin, lifting my up to look at him. "I love it," he whispered, kissing me softly.

I leaned over and picked out a certain cassette tape, popping it into the player I had bought for him. The muggle song of "I Wanna Know What Love Is" by Foreigner filled the air, turned down so it was rather soft.

He reached into his pocket, but hesitated for a moment. "Are you ready?"

I smiled. "Yes! You know I hate surprises!"

"Oh alright," he laughed slightly, pulling a tiny box out of his pocket.

He opened it, revealing a ring. It was absolutely gorgeous. Crescent moons and stars glistening all around the crystal in the middle, an antique look to it.

I could feel my cheeks growing hot, and my eyes stinging.

"Now, it isn't much," he smiled, "and you don't have to accept it, but Merlin, Joey, you've made me so happy and you've been there with me through so much but I understand if you don't want to accept because it's too early, but I just want you to know I love you, and I promise I always will and-"

I put my hand on his hand. "Freddie, you're rambling," I smiled. I held out my hand for him.

"Really?" he asked.

"Of course, Freddie," my voice whispered, the song still in the background. "I love you."

He placed the ring on my finger. "I love you, too."

I moved forward and kissed him. He stroked my cheek with his thumb in the kiss as he slowly leaned us back on the bed. I ran my hands through his hair.

He pulled back a little and looked down at me.
"Are you sure?" he asked.

I nodded softly, and he leaned back down and kissed me, the song in the background slowly restarting again.

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