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josephine weasley

Charlie arrived the day three days after the arriving of Harry. By now we had Molly, Arthur, Ginny, and Ron moved into the makeshift Burrow, Harry, Hermione, and Charlie situated in rooms in mine and Fred's house. Bill and Fleur also stayed in our house. George was still staying at the flat above the Joke Shop.

I woke up, Snuffles laying at the foot of my bed. Fred was still passed out in bed next to me. I rolled out of the covers, making my way to the lavatory to straighten up my hair before I made my way down the steps. The house was lit with sun shining through the windows as the floorboards creaked beneath me.

My eyes traveled to the couch where the sleeping figure of Charlie lay, Snuffles moving over to him. He had grown since the time we had gotten him, leaving him to be waist high, now able to jump and put his paws on tables. His head nudged the side of Charlie's, who's hair was messy, his face buried half way into a pillow, the only thing visible is the small burn scars on his cheek from working in Romania. His right arm, which was laying beside him was bandaged up tightly, and his left arm was bent under the white pillow his head was buried in.

I laughed slightly when Snuffles licked Charlie's face, his eyes opening and jumping back at the sight.

"Merlin, Snufs, you scared me," he chuckled, ruffling the fur on the dog's head. He sat up from the couch, turning to look at me. "'Morning, Jo," he smiled.

"'Morning to you, too, Charlie," I replied, the corners of my mouth turning up into a smile. "I'm going to make tea and pancakes if you'd like some?"

"Of course, thank you." He stood up from the couch, pulling his white shirt down over the waist band of his plaid pajama pants. "In the excitement of me getting here last night, I wasn't able to tell you congratulations."

"Congratulations?" I asked, sitting a kettle on the burner. "For what?"

He chuckled. "Really? The baby, of course."

I shook my head. "Of course about the baby," I sighed. "I'm oblivious sometimes. I apologize."

"You'd have to be oblivious to marry one half of the Weasley twins. You're practically getting a second husband when you do that."

"Oi, I heard that," Fred grumbled from the stairwell as he made an appearance, pulling a shirt on over his chest. He turned to look at me, pressing his lips against my cheek. "Good morning."

I laughed, reaching my hand up and ruffling his hair. "Good morning to you as well."

The figure of Hermione appeared in the doorway of the downstairs hallway, wearing a light blue satin robe over her night gown.

"I heard talking," she smiled, Snuffles padding over to her and nudging her with his head.

"I swear he is possessed with the spirit of dad," I smiled, Hermione kneeling down and patting him on the head. The room was filled with a grieving silence, one that showed just how much Sirius had done to impact our lives. "Anyways," I spoke, breaking the silence, "I'm making tea and pancakes as Mrs. Weasley is still trying to get everything ready for the wedding tomorrow if you and Harry want to go get Ginny and Ron, 'Mione?"

She nodded her head, walking over to the staircase and making her way up. Mine and Fred's house is pretty standard. When you walk in the front door, to the left there is the den and the right holds the kitchen. Through the kitchen, there's a hallway leading straight back to two bedrooms and a restroom. One bedroom held Bill, Fleur, and Miracle were in one room, Hermione in another. To the left of the hall was the staircase, which led up to two other bedrooms and another restroom. The walls were dark wood, matching with the floors.

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