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josephine lupin-black

"So I have to run...through a brick wall-?" I asked as I stood facing the entrance to Platform 9 3/4.

"You can't even feel anything," the twins said in unison. "It's bewitched."

I nodded. "Alright well, that's reassuring." I took off running at the wall and disappeared through it.

When I appeared on the other side I was met with the huge Hogwarts Express train. It was black and red, with smoke bellowing out of the front. Chattering came from all around; children excited to go back to school.

"There she is," Fred murmured behind me. "The beaut herself. The Hogwarts Express."

We walked down the platform to the doors leading onto the emptiest compartment.

Molly pulled me into a quick hug. "You be safe, dear."

I smiled. "I will, Mrs. Weasley. Keep my dads in line for me."

She let go of me and I looked over at my dad. Remus walked over and hugged me tightly.

"I'll see you at Christmas," he smiled.

"Of course, dad. I love you."

"I love you too."

Once he pulled away I gathered my trunk and stood with the Weasley's for a moment, before climbing onto the train. We trudged down the hall before reaching a completely empty compartment.

We took a seat, Ron, Harry, and Hermione on one side, and Fred, George, and I on the other. Ginny walked off with Luna and Neville to a compartment with some of her other friends.

"Who is she?" I heard someone ask from outside the door. I looked up and saw a platinum blonde boy staring in with a pose of boys.

"Ignore him," Hermione stated as the boys walked away. "Malfoy is no good to anyone."

I chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll leave him alone. Besides, he looks like a slimy git if you ask me."

Fred shook his head at me. "Aren't you related to him?"

"Yeah," I responded. "That doesn't mean I have to like him, though."


We arrived at Hogwarts a few hours later, and took a seat on a carriage led by nothing.

"I'm starving," Ron groaned.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Do you ever stop eating?"

"I have had nothing but a mere chocolate frog today, 'Mione, so before you say I eat like a pig, I haven't ate!"

I stifled a laugh as we headed up the path to the extravagant castle. Shadows loomed in the windows, the fall leaves in heaps on the ground. We pulled up just outside the gates where we climbed off and trudged up to the school.

"'Ello Harry!" a booming voice bellowed from
behind us.

We turned in unison and saw a huge man looming over us.

"Hagrid!" they yelled excitedly.

I placed my hand on my arm, rubbing it awkwardly.

"Well who've we got 'ere?" he asked, looking down at me.

I smiled at him as he held his huge hand out for me to shake.

"Hagrid, this is Joey," Ron introduced.

"Well it's 'er nice 'ter meet 'ya!" he yelled happily. "Hope 'ter see 'ya in class!"

I smiled as he turned to walk back to his hut on the grounds, a dog trotting along behind him.

Once we entered the school, I could immediately smell the food in the great hall.

A tall, slender woman strutted over to us, her green robes dragging behind her.

"Miss Josephine! How lovely to see you!" she smiled warmly. "I am Professor McGonagall, and I believe it's time for you to be sorted."

The huge oak doors opened, revealing hundreds of students, laughing and eating amongst their houses.

"ATTENTION!" a man at the front of the room bellowed, with a beard longer than my hair. "We have a new student this year. Everyone, I'd like you to meet Josephine Lupin-Black."

I walked the isle down the center of the room, following Professor McGonagall. All the eyes turned to me as I took my seat on the stool, a wrinkly old tattered hat placed upon my head.

"Ah! A child of the Marauders! The biggest pranksters at the school until the Weasley twins I assume." He paused for a moment. "I sense bravery in you, with ambition and wit. Determined but chivalrous. Loyal and just. Extremely intelligent. You're difficult, very difficult, but I assume you must go where the rest of your family went...GRYFFINDOR!"

A roar of applause engulfed the Gryffindor table as I stood up, smiling ear-to-ear. I sashayed over to the table and took a seat amongst the circle of red-headed children and two brunettes.

"I told you!" Hermione yelled excitedly. "Oh you're going to love our dorm!"

I smiled as I scooped mashed potatoes onto
my plate. "The hat said I was difficult, and said that I was witty, and intelligent, but just and loyal. Determined and ambitious, but brave and chivalrous."

Harry shrugged. "I was almost sorted into Slytherin. Hermione was of course almost sent to Ravenclaw, and Ron in Hufflepuff."

"It's normal to get a hat-stall," George spoke up. "Freddie and I were about to be sorted into Slytherin before he finally decided upon Gryffindor."

I took a bite of my lamb chop. "Oh well, at least I'm here with you guys. If I got sent to Slytherin I wouldn't have known anyone."

Once we finished our food, we were dismissed to our commons. I walked behind the rest of the group, my hands shoved into the pockets of my Gryffindor robes.

"Careful," Ginny pointed at the stairs, "that right there is a trick step right there."


After the Fat Lady finished singing us her new song, we finally entered the common room. The red, fiery themed room made me warm inside.

"Come on, Joey," Ginny smiled, grabbing my wrist, "I'll show you to our dorm."

We sauntered into the room, Hermione and Ginny leading the way. Three beds sat spaced out around the room, red velvet blankets and curtains on the beds and windows. A rug sat atop the hard-wood floor in the shape of the Gryffindor house crest.

"What's this?" I asked, picking up a bundle on my bed.

"That would be your house quidditch sweater," Hermione spoke up, letting her hair down. "Each student gets one when they first attend Hogwarts."

I nodded and carefully tore off the brown paper. A knitted quidditch sweater in gold and red, a Gryffindor patch on the top right breast. I pulled it on quickly, and looked at myself in the mirror.

"I love it," I smiled.

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