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josephine weasley 

Three years had passed since the end of the war. Everyday became easier to manage without the waking up and seeing Fred's face there, but by each passing day I would forget his face. George couldn't look in the mirror for a long time after the war, and Molly could barely look at him, the twins, or myself. Angelina and George eventually moved out of the house after a while, moving into a bigger flat in Diagon Alley to have plenty of room for extending their family.

Charlie still lived with me, helping take care of the twins. He had a few girlfriends here and there, but they never worked out. He would go back to Romania every once in a while, sending back pictures of dragons and letters explaining them for me to read to Archie, Stevie, and Teddy. 

After the war, the wizengamot put all people affiliated with the Death Eaters on trial, including myself. I ended up in Azkaban for a month, when eventually I was let out along with Draco, Blaise, Pansy, and Theo. At the doors when we left we were greeted by Harry, Ron, and Hermione, holding with them the twins and Teddy who I hadn't seen since the fifteenth of April when I left for Malfoy Manor. Ron and Hermione got married, as did Harry and Ginny. Harry pursued his dreams of becoming an auror, as did Ron and Hermione, Ginny going on to play with the Holyhead Harpies. George and Angelina still worked side-by-side in the joke shop, carrying out the dream that he and his brother had. Bill and Fleur also had another daughter, Victoire, and moved a little closer to home. 

As for myself I continued studying to become a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, like Lupin, but I did my classes remotely through books, letters, and computers, which now worked in the Wizarding World like in the muggle world. 

Some would say "all was well" but it never really was after that night three years ago on the second of May. We lost so many close friends and family members. Everyone lost something, whether that be losing their own life, a loved one's life, their sanity, or something like a wand. I assisted, alongside the Order, with new members Draco Malfoy and his wife, Luna Malfoy, Pansy and Blaise Zabini, and Theodore Nott, who hadn't married, in the rebuilding of Hogwarts after managing to get out of Azkaban. Hogwarts would never feel the same. 

"Hello?" I asked, answering the door as someone repeatedly banged on it, the twins waddling around after Snuffles as Charlie sat on the couch. 

"Hello, cousin," Draco's familiar voice spoke. 

I rolled my eyes, pulling him into a hug as I looked behind him, Luna standing there with a bundle in her arms. "You had the baby?" I asked excitedly, looking from one blonde to another. 

She nodded, stepping inside after her husband, Draco shutting the door behind them. "Meet Scorpio Xeno Malfoy."

I smiled. "That's a very unique name. It suits him."

"Drake wanted to name him Scorpius, but I wanted something with astrological meaning, so we settled on Scorpio. Xeno is for my dad."

Her grin was uncontrollable as I took the baby from her, looking down into his eyes. One was grey, like his father's, and the other blue like his mother's. He had Luna's smile, and Draco's nose. 

"He's perfect," I spoke to them, my hand on top of his sage green colored swaddle. 

"We do come bearing more good news," Draco spoke again as I looked up. He pulled out a letter, handing it to me as Luna took Scorpio back. "A rather clumsy owl was delivering it when we got here."

I flipped it over, taking the wax seal off of it and pulling out the letter.

Miss Josephine Weasley,

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