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josephine weasley

The mirror in front of me reflected my body as I stared at myself. Me with my wet, curly, dark hair. My glowing green eyes. My chapped and anxiously bitten lips. And most of all, my forever sin.

The mark inscribed on my arm.

Fred knew about it now. He had to since were married. We moved into a house that now was the temporary home for Ron, Ginny, Arthur, Molly, Fred, and myself as we continued to work on finishing up the house for them to live in as the burrow was no more. We managed to get the Ministry to get some workers together, allowing us to move the house we bought from the plot of land it was on to the land near where the Burrow stood, our house standing where the tents at our wedding stood, overlooking a lake, hay bales, and a field of sunflowers. Not only where we had gotten married, but where we had gotten engaged.

There was a knock on the bathroom door, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Joey?" Fred's voice asked. "Are you alright in there?"

I nodded, despite him being unable to see me. "Yeah, I'll be right out."

His footsteps moved away from the door as I grabbed my sweater and a pair of sleep shorts from the counter, pulling them on hastily as I let myself out of the bathroom.

"There you are," Fred smiled, kissing me on the forehead as I walked into our bedroom. "Lupin sent an owl and wanted to tell us that he and Tonks were dropping in tomorrow before we headed off to Harry's."

I nodded at him. "I'm sorry I can't come. I know it's letting you down..."

He shook his head at me. "They will understand why you aren't there when I tell them."

A knot formed in my stomach, looking down at my hands as I played with my wedding ring. "What time will Bill and Fleur be here?"

"Bright and early," he chuckled. "You'll be here with mum, Miracle, and Ginny, who is still pissed that we aren't allowing her to come when Hermione and Fleur are getting to go."

I laughed slightly. "She'll be fine. She can help us get ready for Bill and Fleur's wedding that's coming up, and with fixing up the rooms for when we move your mum, dad, Ron, and Ginny out and let Charlie move in."

"Still can't believe he's having to move in with us," he groaned. "I mean I know he needs some time off because a dragon burnt his arm but still."

I hit him on the shoulder. "You are awful."

It went silent between us for a moment before he turned his head to look into my eyes.

"How is Draco?"

"He's doing good," I nodded. "He's still considering our offer of moving in, but knows that Harry will not be happy if he moves in here."

Fred scoffed. "Does he have no reliance in the fact that I, Mister Frederick Gideon Weasley, will not allow him to get hurt by the Harry James Potter."

"Fred, you died his hair green the last time he came over," I chuckled.

"He needs a good laugh," he smiled. "And come on, the best one was when I put all the alarm clocks in his room and made them go off five minutes apart from each other, and set the sound to that song from the Titanic."

"He cried for two hours after that movie," I laughed. "Then got angry because Rose could've moved over so Jack could fit on the door, which, to be fair, is the exact reaction you had."

"His face when I told him that me and you have recreated the 'paint me like one of your French girls' scene was absolutely priceless."

I shook my head at him. "You think that you're so funny."

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