Chapter 40

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"KATSUKI GET UP, YOU HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL! AND HURRY UP BREAKFAST IS ON THE TABLE!" My wife said. "You know you don't have to yell. Our son is old enough to know that he has to go to school." I said. "I know Masaru it's just sometimes he ends up waking up late."

Just like that Katsuki came into the dining room and sat down. "Well if it isn't our lovable brat. How are you this fine morning?" Katsuki rolled his eyes as he took a bite of his omelette.

"So may I ask why you have been staying here? I mean shouldn't you be living in the dorms." I asked my son. "I want a break from those extras. They are so annoying." Katsuki said. "Does that also include Izuku?" I asked.

I saw Katsuki tense up for a split moment. "I'm going to school. I'm going to be fucking late." Katsuki stood up grabbed his backpack and left without another word.

"Not even a goodbye." Mitsuki said as she started to pick up the dishes. "Well it's our Katsuki." Mitsuki let out a small sigh. "Yeah that's true. I'm actually glad he's dating Izuku. Izuku is a good influence on our bratty son."

"Yes that's true. Anyways, are you ready to go to work?" I asked as I stood up. "No." Mitsuki said. "Well go get ready for work. I will wash the dishes." I kissed my wife. "Thanks honey."

Mitsuki went upstairs while I walked into the kitchen ready to wash the dishes.

Something is up with Katsuki and it definitely involves Izuku. I thought as I stood in front of the sink washing the dishes.


Time flew by and it was now 6pm. "Hey sweetie I am going home. Are you going to stay late tonight?" Mitsuki asked me. "No I don't believe so. I will call you if anything comes up or changes." I said.

"Ok sweetie I am leaving take care. I love you see you soon goodbye." Mitsuki said as she kissed me goodbye. "Love you too."


After a while I heard the elevator door open and close and I heard someone call my name. "Masaru." I turned around and noticed Katsuki's friends that came over the other night. I walk towards them and gave them a questionable look.

"Kirishima? Kaminari? What are you boys doing here and how did you figure out I work here?" I asked them. "A friend of ours helped us find you. And the reason why we are here is because we are worried for Bakugo. We think you are capable of helping him. We know you are busy, but do you think that you have a few minutes to spear?" Kirishima said.

"Well if it involves my son and you two are this worried then a couple a minutes won't hurt. Please follow me to my office." I started heading to my office with Katsuki's friends right behind me.

Once we entered my office we all sat down. "I'm sorry for the mess, but please tell me what's going on." I said as I put my full focus on Katsuki's friends.

"Recently an accident happened to Midoriya and this accident affected Bakugo very very deeply. And we are afraid on what Bakugo might do to himself or is capable of doing. Which is why we are here to talk to you about it. We think that you and your wife can help him." Kirishima said.

The tone of his voice said it all. He was worried for Katsuki. "Well first off I will need to know the situation. So what happened to Izuku?" I said.

I sat there with pure shock at everything Katsuki's friends said. Now I could see why they were worried about my son.

"And that's what happened. And it's only been a couple of days and Bakugo hasn't been himself. It's like he isn't even here anymore." Kaminari said.

"I can see why you are very concerned about my son. Well I will have a talk with my son. Thank you for telling me about this situation. I am very glad that you two as well as my son's classmates are worried about him." I said and I stood up and they followed my action.

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