Chapter 38

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* Chapter 38 will start when Izuku left *


Izuku P.O.V

"I - I - I ... I wish I never EVER became friends with you Katsuki Bakugo." With that said I left Katsuki alone.

I walked towards the elevator and nobody followed me which I was grateful for. Once the elevator opened and I stepped in the last thing I saw was Kirishima trying to help out Katsuki from what ever trance I ended up leaving him on.

As the elevator doors closed I felt horrible. I need to apologize to Kirishima as well as Asui tomorrow. But it was all Katsuki's fault. He shattered me. Made me believe something I thought was all real only to break and use me.

As the elevator doors opened on my floor level I headed towards my dorm room. A nice sleep will help me forget and calm down.

Nice sleep? Ha! You won't sleep well at all don't lie to yourself. A small voice in my head said. Which somehow ended up being true. I won't have a nice sleep for a while.

I opened my door and I gasped as I saw what was before me. "Hi Izu! It's nice to see you again." Toga stood in my room. I turned around ready to run away, but I fell to the floor when she lunged herself. "No running away now." She pulled out a syringe from behind her and stabbed it into my neck.

"What did you inject into me?" I asked. Toga giggled and gave me her wicked smile. "Nothing harmful I promise. Now shhh ... take a nap for a while."

"HEL-" I yelled, but it didn't do nothing at all. Slowly my eyelids felt heavy and slowly I started closing my eyes. "Have a nice nap." With that I officially closed my eyes and was unconscious.


I slowly woke up my head feeling heavy as I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was a wall I never seen in my life.

"Oh look, Izu is waking up." I heard a familiar voice, but still couldn't put my finger on it. I tried to move my body, but I was incapable too. I looked down and saw that my arms and legs were tied up to the chair I was currently sitting on.

"Well, good morning Midoriya. How was your nap?" That voice I knew all to well. I looked forward and saw Shigaraki sitting on a metal chair his full attention towards me. I then noticed that all the members of the league of villains were either standing or sitting down.

"Isn't this the point were you start screaming for help? Or start to beg us to untie you and let you go?" Shigaraki questioned me.

"Why would I? What's the point? I'm clearly surrounded no one is capable of hearing me scream for help. And I definitely don't know were I am, however if I had to guess I'm a few miles away for the city if not then I'm still in the city except in a place were no heroes come." I said the truth.

"Very impressive, but you are curious as to why I would capture you as well as how I managed to do so. Would you like to know?" Shigaraki said.

I just nodded my head yes. "Well the reason why I captured you was to ask you to join us, but I know the answer to that by now so it's quite pointless and as for how I captured you I hired a hacker to hack into the security of your dormitory and Kurogiri made a portal inside your dorm room and Toga captured you and now you are here. Not that hard actually."

It was a good plan actually except there was one thing I couldn't put my finger on, how did they know I was in my dorm room at that time?

"How?" I asked. Shigaraki looked at me with curiosity. "How what?" He asked. "How did you know I was in my room?" I asked.

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