Chapter 27

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I woke up to Deku's alarm ringing. I looked down to see Deku snuggled up. I ran my fingers through his messy green hair. "Babe wake up. We have to go to school." Deku opened his left eye and closed it again. "Five more minutes Kacchan."

"Looks who's being the stubborn one right now." I flicked the tip of his nose. "But you are so warm." Deku wrapped his arms and legs around me. "It doesn't matter. Now untangle yourself from me."

"Please Kacchan." Deku whined as he looked up at me. "No Deku." Deku gave me a grin. "I will cook breakfast for you. If you let me stay like this for the next five minutes." I thought about the deal for a second when I let out a sigh. "Five minutes, but only because I'm fucking hungry." Deku kissed my chest and snuggled up again.

"Kacchan, did you like what I did last night?" Deku asked me. "Sure did." I smiled remembering how Deku showered me with kisses. "You know you should do it more often." Deku laughed. "Sure Kacchan just tell me when and I will do it okay." He said.

"Can you do it now?" I asked him. Deku started laughing. "You do know we can't do that right now, right?" I gave him puppy eyes. He always cracks when I do the puppy dog face. "Kacchan that isn't fair. You know I can't resist the puppy dog face." Deku sighed as he untangled himself from me and laid on top of me. "That's exactly why I do it." I smirked.


After being showered with kisses and a yummy breakfast we were now in class. Once again back to the same old boring routine. As I was writing down notes I felt Deku poke my left shoulder. I turned around and he gave me a note.

Play Rock Paper Scissors with me? Best two out of three.

I turned around and we started playing Rock Paper Scissors. Deku ended up winning and me being the competitive person I am, I wanted a rematch. "Again." I mouthed and he gave me a smile.

Kaminari P.O.V

The class was super boring until finally the bell rang to dismiss us for lunch. I walked up to Midoriya desk. "Midoriya you are sitting with us today. Come on." Midoriya being the person he is gave a smile. "Okay Kami." I hooked our arms together and both Kiri and Bakugo were looking at us as they stood by the door.

"Hey Midoriya play along, okay." I whispered. "Excuse me?" He questioned. I pointed towards the door and he got it. "Oh okay I get it now."

When we were by the door I started talking. "So anyways Midoriya do you want to have a sleepover Saturday night? We could watch movies and play video games." I said as I completely ignored my boyfriend and Bakugo. "Sure Kami, but since it's a sleepover it's just going to be us two, right? Nobody else." Midoriya said. "Yes just us two all alone. In one room. Together." I said.

Just like that both me and Midoriya were ripped apart from each other. Kirishima wrapping his arm over my shoulder as for Bakugo he whispered something to Midoriya that made him blush.

"KACCHAN!" Midoriya yelled as he punched his arm. "What the hell Deku?!" Bakugo said punching back. Midoriya sticked his tongue out towards Bakugo and walked over to me and Kiri.

"So, what happened?" Kiri asked. "I'm getting punished later." Midoriya said pouting. "By 'punished' do you mean he's going to-" I started saying, but Midoriya started waving his hands around and blushing madly. "No, not in that way. Anyways, Kami why did you want me to sit with you today?"

"Oh well I was going to ask you if you and a certain blonde would like to go on a double date with me and Kiri." Midoriya's eyes went wide with excitement. Midoriya grabbed Bakugo's hand and pulled him towards us.

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