Chapter 18

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I woke up to my alarm clock, 7:45am. I looked to my right and Kacchan was letting out soft snores. I heard a knock on my door. I slipped out of Kacchan's grip and walked up to the door. I opened it slightly and saw that it was Iida.

"Good morning Iida." I gave him a small smile. "I just came here to remind you that you should wake up early that way you can start the day since you are in house arrest." I let out a small laugh. "Thanks Iida."

"Now if you excuse me I will go wake up the rest. Starting with Bakugo since he will be the hardest to wake up." I stopped him. "Wait Iida I will wake up Kacchan." I said nervously. "It's fine Mid-" I stopped him by cutting him off. "No don't wake up Kacchan. If you do he will kill you. He's very aggressive towards the person who wakes him up. So I will do it." Iida gave me small chuckle. "Oh Midoriya the worst he could do is yell and make a few explosions so I will be alright."

"No Iida please let me do it I wouldn't want you to get hurt. Besides you will be late for school. I will also wake up Kiri and Kami." Iida gave me a smile. "Very well then Midoriya. I will see you later."

I closed my door only to see Kacchan with his arms extended towards me. "It's to early Bunny. Come cuddle with me." Kacchan gave me puppy dog eyes. "In your dreams Kacchan." I walked over to my closet. "In my dreams we are doing something else. Something I would love to do with you."

I felt my face heat up and soon I felt arms wrap around me. "Is my little Bunny blushing?" Kacchan kissed my neck. "N-No." I stuttered out. "Well then," Kacchan turned me around and laughed at me. "Why are you so red."

"You win Kacchan. Let's go lay down." Kacchan kissed my nose and laughed. "No thanks. You missed your chance. Bye Deku." Kacchan checked outside and soon left.

Katsuki P.O.V

I walked out the elevator and saw Shitty Hair walking out of his room. "Well well well tell me did you have a fun night." I flipped him off. "So is that a yes." I smirked. "We sure did. You should have heard Deku. He kept on saying 'faster Kacchan.' Deku even-" Shitty Hair covered his ears and ran all the way towards the elevator.

I let out a laugh. Idiot. I entered my dorm room and went straight to my bathroom to brush my teeth and comb my hair.

As I got off the elevator to enter the common room I was tackled to the ground. "You big fat liar! I thought you never lied." Deku was sitting on top of me and had his arms crossed. "And what did I lie about?" I placed my hands on his side. "You know exactly what I mean Kacchan. So don't act dumb."

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down so we could be face to face. "I really don't know what I did. So tell me Bunny what did I do?" I whispered. "I'm not saying it because you know what you did and you just don't want to say it." I laughed and wrapped my arms around him so he could stay in place. "I'm not letting you go until you tell me what I'm being accused of." Deku gave me a grin. "Fine then if you won't admit it then," Deku leaned into my ear so I could only hear what he is going to say. "I will tell Kirishima he was right." Deku looked at me with a winning smile on his face. "Fuck you Bunny." I pushed him off me and he started laughing.

"Can't you two keep your hands to yourself for five minutes?" Pikachu said. "Where the hell is Shitty Hair?" I asked him. "He just went into the restroom he will be back soon." Deku walked up to Pikachu and whispered something into his ear.

"Are you sure?" Pikachu asked. "Trust me. Just watch me." Deku ran towards me and hugged me and looked up at me. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his forehead.

"It works for you, but it won't work for me." Pikachu said. Deku let me go and I let him go. Deku ran towards Pikachu and turned him around and pushed him making him fall into Shitty Hair's arms.

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