Chapter 26

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We were officially back at my house. "Are you going to make me katsudon like you promised?" Deku questioned. "For the hundredth time, YES!" I told him. "YAY!" Deku threw himself at me. "Why do you act like such a kid?" I asked as he let me go. "I do not!" Deku huffed out his freckled cheeks as he crossed his arms. "Whatever you say you big baby." I pinched his cheeks.

Deku went to my bedroom as I stayed in the kitchen. "You know sometimes I wonder what Izuku sees in you." I heard the Old Hag coming into the kitchen. "Who the hell knows." I said as I stayed focused on the food I was making. "Clearly he does or else he wouldn't be with you."

"I guess that's true." I said. Pure silence filled the kitchen the only sound was the sizzling of the food. "Hey did he end you telling you if he you know," I looked over at the Old Hag and she raised an eyebrow. "If he loves me." I said. "What did he tell you?" She asked. "That you two were talking about cotton candy." I said going back to cooking.

"Look he didn't tell me anything and even if he did I wouldn't tell you because it's not me that should tell you that. But to be honest I know that he loves you it's just he's not ready to tell you yet. And since you are asking me that question I'm guessing you love him."

"Of course I fucking do. If I didn't then I wouldn't be making him food right now." I said. Silence filled the kitchen again until footsteps came in.

"KACCHAN," I turned around only to see Deku wearing my skull shirt. "Is it done yet? I'm hungry!" He whined. "It's almost done clam down you little piggy." Deku gave me a hug that caught me completely off guard. "So why the hell are you wearing my shirt?" I asked. "Do I need a reason to wear your shirt?" He said as he let me go. "Yes. Now care to tell me?"

"I wanted to be comfy that's why beside I like wearing your shirts. Not to mention they smell just like caramel which is great! You know I find it funny how you smell like caramel and yet you hate sweets." Deku laughed.

"You two act like a married couple and you aren't even fucking married. Not even me and my husband act that way. Right babe?" The Old Hag yelled to which my Old Man just said a simple yes.

"Shut up." I said as I started to serve Deku his food. "Hey Izu, I was wondering why the hell are you dating my little brat?" Deku gave such a simple answer. "Because he's Kacchan." Deku said as he grabbed the plate from my hands.

"That really doesn't give me a proper answer, but I will take what I can get. Enjoy your food." The Old Hag said as she left the kitchen.

"Come on let's go." We headed to my room.

Izuku P.O.V

Both of us were sitting on the bed. As I ate my yummy Katsudon Kacchan was trying to find a movie so that we could watch it together. "Okay nerd we are watching Ponyo."

"Ponyo? Don't you hate that movie?" I gave him a confused look. "I don't hate it. It's just isn't my genre of movies. I like horror and action, but since we did go on the horror marathon might as well watch something you will like."

"Kacchan can you go downstairs and get me more katsudon and something to drink. Please and thank you." Kacchan grabbed my plate and left.

I heard my phone ding notifying me that I got a message. I pulled it out and it was Kami.

Kami: Hey where are you? I really need to talk to you in person. You aren't in your room.

Me: Oh I'm with Kacchan at his house, but you can still tell me.

Kami: Oh I will just tell you once you come back. It's important, but not that important.

Me: Okay see you within a few hours.

Kami: Bye Midoriya. Oh and don't do anything me and Kiri wouldn't do. 😉

I felt my cheeks heat up at the message.


Kami: I'm just stating facts that's all. Anyways bye.

Once I stopped texting Kami, Kacchan entered his room with the plate and a soda. He handed me the plate as he opened the soda for me. "Thanks Kacchan." I gave him a quick kiss on his cheek as he sat down next to me. "Whatever Bunny."


Half way through the movie Kacchan fell asleep on my shoulder. I continued watching the movie and eventually Kacchan got more comfortable by snuggling against me. "I'm so happy that I'm yours and that you are mine." I said lowly.

Kacchan woke up from his nap exactly when Ponyo finished. "Morning sleepy head." Kacchan let out a yawn. "What time is it?" He asked. I pulled out my phone and saw the time. "It's 7:45pm. we should start heading back to the dorms. We have school tomorrow." Kacchan gave me a small nodded and when we both got up we stretched out our bodies.

"Let me change into my shirt then we can go, okay." Kacchan left his room as I changed into my shirt and hanged up his skull shirt.

I walked downstairs to see Kacchan putting on his shoes. I put mine on and said a simple goodbye to Kacchan's parents.

Katsuki P.O.V

As we were walking back to the dorms. I looked at Deku who was holding my hand with a smile on his freckled face. "Let's tell them." I said out of the blue. Deku looked at me confused. "Tell who, what Kacchan?" He questioned. "Let's tell Shitty Hair and Dunce Face about us." I said. "They already know. Don't you remember we told them everything. What is there to tell."

"Deku what I mean by 'tell' I mean let's tell them about what we are right now. You know as an official couple like those two." Deku's face lit up just like the sun. His smile growing ten times bigger. "Really Kacchan?! Do you really mean it?" Deku now stopping us as he stood in front of me. "Yeah, but only them since they know about everything. Nobody else got it." I said. Deku threw his arms around my neck and kissed me. "I'm so happy Kacchan!" Deku said and then a gasp left his mouth.

"What about Uraraka? Can we tell her? She knows everything too." Deku said. "I guess." I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm so so so so so so so soooo happy right now! I can just kiss you."

"Don't say it just do it." I said. Deku let out a smile. "When we are back at the dorms I will shower you with kisses. Not here it's getting darker by the minute." Deku grabbed my hand again as we started walking again.

"Bunny?" Deku looked at me. "Are you happy being with me?" I asked. Even tho I know the answer I still want to hear it coming out of his mouth. "Of course I am Kacchan! I mean I'm about to shower you with kisses. If that doesn't say enough then I don't know what does."

Toga P.O.V

I was having so much fun out late at night stealing blood. As I walked down a sidewalk I saw two figures underneath a light post. Since I was across the street from them I squinted my eyes to get at least a better view.

It was two people and they were kissing and when they pulled away I recognized both of them. It was my Izu and his little blonde friend we kidnapped months ago.

So, they are a couple. Shiggy is going to love this new information. I let out giggles escape from my mouth just thinking of seeing my Izu up close again.

"I will just leave them for now." I said as I walked away in a different direction from them.


Hope you liked it! 🧡💚

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