Chapter 11

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We were finally back at the dormitory. Right now I'm laying down on Kacchan's bed and he was on the floor writing down the information we have gathered. He looked so focused that I was getting bored waiting for him to finish.

"Kacchan I'm bored. I'm going to my room to change clothes." I got up and I was walking towards the door when suddenly I felt Kacchan place his head on my shoulder. "Sleep here."

"Okay, but I still need to change clothes." I said grabbing the door handle. Kacchan's hands went underneath my shirt and I felt his palms on my chest. "You know you can always sleep in your boxers right."

I soon felt my cheeks heat up. "I'm not doing that Kacchan." I whispered. "Well then do you wanna wear my clothes?" Kacchan asked. "Are you serious?" I questioned. "Sure am." Kacchan said. "Are you being serious or are you joking?" I asked him again not knowing if it's true. Soon I felt Kacchan unbuttoning my pants. "Unless you wanna sleep in your boxers."

"Kacchan stop." I felt him leave me and I turned around looking at the floor. "Is someone's face red." Kacchan teased me. "Shut up and give me some clothes."

Kacchan let out a small laugh and soon he handed me a shirt and sweatpants. "Thank you." I walked towards the bathroom and changed.

Katsuki P.O.V

Deku came out wearing my shirt and sweatpants. "Kacchan your clothes are bigger than mine." I let out a laugh. "You can still sleep in your boxers you know." I teased him. Deku grabbed my pillow and throw it at me.

"Are you almost finished?" Deku sat next to me as he placed his head on my shoulder. "Yeah just two more sentences and we are officially done."

"Hurry so we can sleep." Deku stood up and went to my bed. "Whatever nerd."

I grabbed the pen and wrote the two last sentences. "Deku it's finished." Deku looked over and smiled. "It looks great now get your butt up here." Deku moved over and I laid down next to him.

"The light Kacchan." He said. I got up and turned the lights off. "Happy?" I asked. "Yeah."


"Kacchan." I heard Deku. "Five more minutes." I whined. I soon felt weight on me. I wrapped my arms around Deku who was on top of me. "It's morning Kacchan." Deku gave me a weak smile. "Does it look like I give a fuck." I said as I started playing with Deku's messy hair.

"Well you should give a fuck and get your ass up and check the hallway." I was surprised when Deku cursed. "Did you just say fuck and ass?" Deku buried his head into my chest. I heard him mumbling something. "What?"

Deku picked up his head and looked at me. "Someone taught me those words." He said with a goofy grin. "I wonder who." I let out a small laugh. Deku poked my cheek and smiled. "But for real Kacchan please check."

"You do it. Just change clothes." I said. Deku lazily got off me and grabbed his clothes and went into my bathroom.

Finally he got out of the bathroom and walked up to me. "I left the clothes in the bathroom." I nodded and waved him towards the door.

Before leaving Deku kissed my forehead and finally left.

Izuku P.O.V

I left Kacchan's room with no problem and nobody saw me in the hallway. I eventually got to my room safely. "Time to get ready."


"Good morning Deku. How did you sleep?" Uraraka greeted me. "I slept fine. What about you?" I asked. "I slept like a baby last night." She smiled. "That sounds great."

"So are you ready to start on the project today?" Uraraka asked me as we entered the classroom. "Oh well about that, you see me and Kacchan are already done." I said.

Soon all of my classmates turned their heads towards me. "Did you just say that you and Bakugo are already done with the project?!" Mineta said shocked. "Yeah." I replied.

"Good morning guys! How are you doing today?" Kirishima came in followed by Kaminari, Sero and Kacchan.

Soon Mr. Aizawa came in with his usual yellow sleeping bag. "Good morning class. Everyone please sit down."

All of us sat down and I poked Kacchan. "Did you bring it?" I asked. "Of course I did." Kacchan said. "Alright class you can all start on your projects. Don't make to much noise." Mr. Aizawa was about to lay down on the ground, but Kacchan spoke up.

"Aizawa, me and Deku are already done." Kacchan said. Everyone looked at us. "That's a lie. We are barely going to start it." Kirishima said.

"Midoriya is this true?" Mr. Aizawa asked me. "Yeah, Kacchan has it. Show him." I told Mr. Aizawa. Kacchan pulled out the white poster showing Mr. Aizawa and the class.

"That's not fair! I bet they did All Might as their hero." Kaminari pointed at us. "I think they should redo it if they used All Might as a hero." Hagakure said.

"Midoriya, Bakugo is your hero All Might?" Mr. Aizawa asked us. "No." Kacchan replied. "Very well come up here and presented it." Mr. Aizawa said.

Both me and Kacchan walked up to the front of the class. "You can start." Mr. Aizawa said.

Soon both me and Kacchan presented our project and the whole class stayed silent. "That was great. You both get a A+ now go sit down." Mr. Aizawa said.

"They cheated! Deku has information on every pro hero and every villain. Isn't that unfair." Uraraka said standing up. Once again all their heads turned towards us. "YOU HAVE NOTES ON EVERY PRO AND VILLAIN!" All our classmates yelled.

"Is that the only reason you choose Midoriya, Bakubro?" Kirishima asked him. "Tch." Kacchan said not answering. Kirishima rolled his eyes and looked towards me.

"Actually I can't say anything about this Kacchan told me not to say anything if this conversation ever came up. Besides Kirishima you can bug Kacchan about it later." I said. "Well I'm never going to know." Kirishima said.

Katsuki P.O.V

"Actually I can't say anything about this Kacchan told me not to say anything if this conversation ever came up. Besides Kirishima you can bug Kacchan about it later." Deku said. "Well I'm never going to know." Shitty hair said.

Soon All Might came into the classroom. I quickly thought about something that may work out for me and Deku. "Mr. Aizawa can me and Deku go to ground beta and have a 1v2?" I asked. "You and Midoriya verse who?" Mr. Aizawa asked. "Me and Deku verse All Might."

I felt Deku grip my shirt and pulled it. I turned around and he looked worried. "I will allow it, if All Might agrees with it." Mr. Aizawa said.

"I'm fine with it." All Might said. "Midoriya, Bakugo grab your costumes and go change. Wait outside until All Might shows up." Mr. Aizawa said and waved us off.

Izuku P.O.V

"Kacchan why did you suggest this?" I asked him. "Would you rather train or would you rather sit in a room being bored?" He said. "I guess this is better than sitting down." I agreed.

Kacchan ruffled my hair and poked my cheek. "Stop." I pushed him lightly. "Deku why don't you ever wear your mask?" Kacchan asked me. "I don't have to wear it if I don't want to." I answered. Kacchan put my mask on me and started laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"You look like a bunny." Kacchan said still laughing. "Shut up." I could feel my face heat up. "You know what this means." Kacchan said. "No what does it mean."

Kacchan smirked at me. "It means that you're my Bunny." I punched his arm and walked faster. "Bunny!" I heard Kacchan yell.

Great now he's going to call me bunny just to annoy me.


Hope you enjoyed chapter 11. 💗

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