Chapter 29

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"Bunny wake up." Deku eyes slowly opened. "Morning babe." Deku said his voice soft. "Sleep well?" I asked. "Like always." Deku gave me a weak smile as he snuggled up again.

"We got school you know that right." I said. Deku grabbed my right hand and placed it on his head. "Play." Deku said weakly. I ran my fingers through his hair and I saw him smile. "You like that, huh."

"Yeah." Deku said. Both me and Deku were comfortable, however it didn't last long because someone knocked on my door. "What the hell do you want?" I yelled. "Dude wake up or else you are going to be late." I heard Shitty Hair say. "I'm getting dressed." I heard him chuckling. "Sure you are." He teased. "Just fuck off Shitty Hair."

Soon footsteps were slowly disappearing. "Kacchan." I looked down at Deku. "Yes Bunny?" I asked. Deku gave me a small smile and ended up kissing me. "It's to early for you to be cursing." Deku said as he got off the bed. "I can curse whenever the fuck I want." I said as I got up. "Whatever you say Kacchan. Anyways, I gotta go."


I was officially dressed and headed downstairs. When I got there I looked around and saw my Bunny smiling. How the hell can he be so damn happy this early?

Soon I felt a arm around my shoulder. "So, did you have a nice sleep? Because I know for a fact Midoriya sure did." Shitty Hair said. "What's it to you? You shouldn't be asking that damn question anyways. You wouldn't like it if I asked you how the hell you and that damn Pikachu slept." I pushed his arm off me.

"Actually me and Kami slept fine. Thanks for asking. Anyways, I wanted to ask you is it true that you are going to take Midoriya on a date." He said. "How the hell do you know about that?" I asked. "Midoriya told me and Kami yesterday morning. So where are you taking him?" Shitty Hair said.

I walked up to him and grabbed his backpack and pulled him out of the dormitory. "You told Shitty Hair and Pikachu about our bet." I said once we were outside. "Well yeah I didn't think it would be such a big deal. Besides they know and we are going on a double date." He said.

"Whatever." I said knowing I couldn't do anything about it. I started walking making my way to school and Deku came along. "So, talking about the date situation where are you taking me?" Deku said. "It's a surprise."

"Oh come on Kacchan don't be like that just tell me." Deku whined. "No." I said. Deku being the child he is started to tug my left arm. "Please. Please. Pretty please. At least give me a hint."

"Stop acting so childish." Deku let go of my arm and started pouting. "You're such a baby."

Izuku P.O.V

"You're such a baby." Kacchan said. "I really hate you." I told him as we entered the school. Kacchan grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the nearest restroom which was empty.

Kacchan wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. "Say it again I dare you." His red eyes were looking down at me. "I really hate you." I repeated. Kacchan kissed me and held me in place by placing his hand on my head.

Soon he pulled away. "Do you still hate me?" He whispered softly. Nothing was coming out not a single word. "That's what I thought." Kacchan let me go and he left.

The bell rang and I sighed, great I'm late and it was all Kacchan's fault. I'm definitely not sleeping with him tonight.

Meanwhile with the League of Villains
Shigaraki P.O.V

"Toga I want you to follow Midoriya and Bakugo for the next few weeks." I said. "Why?" Toga asked. "Because you will need to observe them. The way they treat each other, the way they act and so on."

"As for you," I turned around to look at Dabi. "I need you to go out and find a person who can disable security." Dabi sighed. "Alright." Just like that Dabi left the hideout.

"Kurogiri can you get your hands on the floor plan for the dormitory of 1-A." I said. "Alright, but one question how are you planning on erasing Midoriya's memories?" Kurogiri asked. "I will have to make a call."

I pulled out the phone and started to make the call. It was ringing until finally I heard a voice. "Who is this?" The voice on the other side said. "Hello doctor." I said.

Sorry this chapter was so short. Anyways, Hope you liked it! 🧡💚

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