Chapter 2

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So I skipped time, which means the whole story from season one to season three.

"Today we are going to train in partners." Mr. Aizawa said. He started pairing up people to which I really didn't pay attention to until I heard my name. "And last but not least Midoriya and Bakugo."

Bakugo turned around and had a grin. "I'm going to destroy you, you got that."


We all went into our locker room and changed into our hero costumes. Once I came out I saw Uraraka waving at me. I walked over and she immediately smiled. "Hey Deku!" She said happily. "Hey Uraraka."

"So Bakugo, huh." Uraraka said. "Yeah, it's gonna be a disaster. What about you?" I asked one of my best friends. "Todoroki, he sure is a challenge especially now that he is starting to use his left side."

"Midoriya! Uraraka! Hurry up or you will be late." We heard Iida call our names. "We're coming!" We both said and walked to the screening room were we could see everything but couldn't hear anything.


Time went by and finally it was mine and Kacchan's turn. We were the last two people. We entered the arena and we took a stands.

"Start!" We heard Mr. Aizawa voice. It didn't take long for Kacchan to charge at me. I saw his right hand come up close to my right cheek and he blew up an explosion. It made an impact and sure it hurt but it wasn't that bad, for now anyway.

"FIGHT ME YOU STUPID NERD!" He yelled. I looked at him trying to predict his next move but he's become faster just like me which meant I really couldn't predict his next move that fast.

I need to take a moment to figure out what to do. I jumped up in the air to which Kacchan followed my action. "STOP FUCKING THINKING!" I saw him make a fist and I realized that he was gonna punch my stomach.

I backed away just in time and I flicked my index finger and it blew him down to the ground. I was back on the ground standing and I ran towards him. "Kacchan are you okay?" I asked.

Kacchan grabbed my legs and I fell on my back. "FIGHT ME! GIVE ME A FUCKING FIGHT!" He yelled as he stood up. I stood up and finally had a game face on. "Fine you want a fight I will give you one!"

I ran towards him with my left hand in a fist he quickly decided to block it to which that was his big mistake because I ended up punch his stomach with my right hand that was in a fist. Kacchan flew backwards and he flew up and came with full force towards me ready with his hands to make an explosion. His explosion blew in my face and smoke covered the area around us.

"IF YOU WANT TO DEAFT ME YOU NEED TO TRY BETTER THAN THAT!" I soon felt a sharp pain on my right side and then another pain on my back.

"DAMN YOU KACCHAN!" I yelled and flicked another finger which removed all the smoke and I got a clear kick on his face.

I soon saw him coming towards me with full force and right when I thought he was gonna punch me once more, he flew up and did the spin he did at the sports festival. I managed to move aside just in time.

"DAMN YOU DEKU! I FUCKING HATE YOU! WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS LOOKING DOWN ON ME? ANSWER ME!" That's when it hit me hard. I knew he hated me, but I didn't know he hated me that much.

That night when we fought at ground beta he poured out what he really felt what he kept inside.

"I'M GOING TO SAY THIS ONE MORE TIME KACCHAN!" I soon felt a sharp pain on my right shoulder.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT! STOP CALLING ME KACCHAN! YOU USELESS PEICE OF SHIT!" Kacchan yelled and finally I felt his hand grab my face and he had me pinned down on the ground.

"I WIN! I WILL ALWAYS WIN! YOU GOT THAT DEKU!" He then lowered his head and he whispered something in my ear. "Even with All Might's power you are still no match for me. However one of these days I swear we are going all out, in a place where no one can stop our fight. You got that."

Katsuki let me go and I stood up and I saw him walking away, but I called out to him. "Whatever you say, Katsuki."

Katsuki P.O.V

"Whatever you say, Katsuki." I heard Deku say and for some odd fucking reason I felt something when he didn't call me Kacchan.

I continued walking and once I was back with the class spiky hair came up to me. "Dude, don't you think you went a little to far? Granted I know you put your one hundred percent in a fight wether it be a real one or training, but honestly you did go to far."

I didn't answer him instead I looked behind him and I saw Deku talking with Mr. Aizawa. Soon I saw round face walking with Deku.

"There he goes again to the nurses office." Frog girl said.

"Yeah, but he always gets backup on his feet." Icyhot said.

"BAKUGO!" I looked at the direction where I heard my name and I saw All Might. I walked up to him and he was giving me a suspicious face. "What?"

"What did you tell young Midoriya?" All Might questioned me. "Why are you questioning me. Deku is gonna tell you anyways, just ask him."

I was about to walk away, but before I did I had to ask him something. "All Might?" All Might looked at me. "Can you do something for me?"

"What do you want me to do?" He asked. "When you are done talking to Deku, can you tell me if he said either Kacchan or Katsuki." I said in a low voice.

"Why?" He asked crossing his arms on his chest. "Just forget it." I walked away and headed to the locker rooms.

Hope you enjoyed chapter 2. 💗

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