Chapter 6

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It was now Monday and sure enough everything went back to normal. I walked into school with Uraraka and Iida. "So what do you guys wanna do later?" Uraraka asked. "Well I'm going home because my dad wanted me to help him out." Iida replied.

"I might take a nap." I smiled. "That's so boring Deku." Uraraka laughed. "Well, what are you going to do Uraraka?" I asked her. "That's easy! Me and the girls are gonna go to the mall maybe for a hour or two and then we are gonna go to the movies." Uraraka responded. "Girls." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on Bakugo. Why don't you wanna go to the movies with us?" I heard Kirishima voice. "Yeah Bakugo every guy is going." Kaminari said. "BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO, SO LEAVE ME ALONE." Kacchan yelled.

"Midoriya! Iida!" All three of us turned around to see Kirishima, Kaminari and a very annoyed Bakugo.

"Hey guys." I said. "Do you two wanna go to the movies later? All the guys are going, well except a certain hot head." Kaminari pointed towards Kacchan.

Katsuki P.O.V

I looked at Deku and that same weird feeling came back. "Kacchan you aren't going?" I heard Deku's voice. "What's it to you damn nerd."

"Well Midoriya are you in?" I heard Shitty hair say. "Sure." Deku said with a smile.

I continued walking until I heard footsteps following me. I turned around only to be greeted with green hair. "Kacchan I think you should go. It would be fun." Deku said. I turned around and headed towards my locker. However Deku continued following me.

I had enough I grabbed him by his shirt and pushed him against the lockers. "Leave me alone Deku. I saw you during the weekend and I don't feel like seeing you again." I threaten him.

His big green eyes were looking straight at me. "Kacchan." Deku said my stupid nickname low and slowly. I soon felt the same feeling I had when he grabbed my wrist.

I gripped his shirt tighter trying to calm myself and get rid of the feeling I was having right now.

What the hell am I feeling.

"Kacchan." Deku called me the same way he did a few seconds ago. I gripped his shirt tighter not caring about what will happen to my hands or his shirt. "Kacchan." He said it again the same way.

Without thinking I crashed my lips into his. How the hell are his lips so goddamn soft? I pushed myself against him and I started to unbutton his shirt. What the fuck is wrong with me? It was as if my body had a mind of its own. I pulled away my head and looked at him.

His big green eyes looked at me with confusion. Damn those eyes. "Kacchan I think we shou-" Deku started, but I cut him off again by kissing him. I placed my left hand on his bare chest and I grabbed his neck with my right.

Izuku P.O.V

I was trapped in between the lockers and Kacchan. I soon felt more pressure against me. Kacchan then snaked his left hand around my waist and with his thumb he started making small circles on my side.

He pulled away his breathing was uneven. "Kacchan I-" I stopped talking when he gripped my side. "Shut the hell up and enjoy yourself." He said. "Kac-" I started, but I couldn't finish since he once again kissed me.

I soon felt small pain on my bottom lip. He bit me! Without warning I felt his tongue go inside of my mouth. Kacchan then pulled on my green hair to which it made my head go back a little and I felt him smile.

Automatically my hands went up to his ash blonde hair. I ran my fingers through his hair and lightly pulled it. He responded by pulling on my bottom lip. Both of us were breathing heavy. "Do you want me to stop Deku?" Kacchan asked. I shacked my head no and he pressed his lips on my neck.

Katsuki P.O.V

"Do you want me to stop Deku?" I asked him. Deku said no and I placed my lips on his neck and started kissing it.

I felt Deku's hands running and pulling my hair. "K-Kacchan." I heard Deku stutter soon followed by a small moan. After he moaned I kissed him again and grabbed his hands and placed them on my shirt hoping he would get the message.

I felt his hands unbutton my shirt and I finally felt the warmth of his hands on my chest. It was my turn to let out a small moan.

I pulled away so that both of us can breath and I leaned into him and I whispered into his ear. "Jump Deku." I told him. Deku jumped and wrapped his legs around me. "Better?" I questioned. "Yeah Kacchan." Deku smiled.

I once again wrapped my arms around Deku and his arms wrapped around my neck. Once again I kissed him. I heard small and soft moans coming out of Deku to which it only lead me wanting more.

I had only one thing racing through my mind. Will me and Deku ever get to do this again. The more we kissed and the more we felt each other. The more our bodies wanted to be like this.

Soon we pulled apart however only a small thin line of our saliva was connected. Deku unwrapped his legs around me and stood on both of his feet.

We didn't talk instead we looked at each other. Deku looked down and whispered something I couldn't hear. "What did you say?" I asked.

Deku was about to reply when suddenly the first bell rang. Both me and Deku button our shirts and fixed our hair. Once we were presentable we looked at each other one last time and that's when Deku started running towards the class leaving me behind.

Hope you enjoyed chapter 6. 💗

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