Secrets secrets are no fun. . .

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Hermione was currently experiencing her least favorite emotion, confusion. Even as a little girl she'd hated not knowing, always able to pick of the clues for an answer.

But this new demigod. . . she had no idea. Who was she to elicit such surprise from her peers? Back from a long trip, maybe? Had she been kidnapped? Perhaps even a hunter like Thalia.

"Harry?" The Gryffindor whispered to her friend. He was in the common room with her, settled in his favorite cushy chair as he edited his Charms essay on the properties of the stunning spell, stupefy. He barely looked up when addressed, giving a noncommittal grunt that Hermione took as the go-ahead to keep talking.

"What do you think those demigods are up to?"

He gave a pensive hmm, but it was obvious his mind was made up. "I trust them 'Mione," Harry replied, using a nickname to try to gain some sympathy from her. "I know you don't like not knowing things, but they were very open and told their stories. The least we can do is offer curtesy until they tell us. Just be patient."

The boy-who-lived-to-have-his-name-hyphenated thought back to a few nights ago. He'd been wandering around the castle with his cloak, awoken by a bad dream. His Voldemort was still strong, for some reason he was having visions of what the man was doing. After a particularly horrid one, he'd go to he astronomy tower and gaze at the forest beyond it. Not being able to go the Dumbledore with these things was tearing him apart, his mentor wouldn't even look at him.

While up there, who had run into but Percy. The half-blood was perched precariously close to the edge, almost teetering off the side. His legs were folded to his chest and he was twirling a pen with one hand and tapping the ground with the other. Harry wasn't worried about him falling though, it was a well known fact that Hogwarts put a cushioning charm on the floor below if students ever, well, jumped.

Harry had cleared his throat softly, but Percy was already turning around.

"Bad dream?" The son of Poseidon had asked knowingly. And when Harry had wondered how he'd known, he'd simply shrugged. "I know the look." He said, completely nonplussed. "It's good to talk about these things, you know."

So Harry had, he been open about the terrifying vision he'd had of the dark lord torturing Simeon Gibbon for not procuring information about some weapon of some sort (Harry had a feeling it was the same the Order was watching).

Percy had just listened, and calmly talked in that smooth voice he took on when a friend was in need. He was a leader, Harry realized, one so great he'd be lucky to ever be on the same level as; someone to aspire to. It made him wonder who was there for Percy when he needed to talk.

"My 'Beth," Percy had stated fondly when asked. "We share everything. She's the one who can see me when I'm not putting up a front, my best friend."

"I think I need someone like that." Harry had responded. "Ron and Hermione. . . they worry too much, try to shelter me."

"I think you'll find someone soon." Percy had said knowing, grunting as he stood up and patting Harry firmly on the shoulder as he left.

That night had been the highlight of Harry's week, despite the dream before.

"How can you be so sure?" Hermione pestered, removing Harry from reminiscing.

"You know," A friendly voice said from next to them. "You could always just ask us."

Both whipped around and saw Percy raising an eyebrow, a smirk firmly planted on his face. Neither had heard him approaching.

"You have secrets you aren't telling us!" Hermione accused.

"Doesn't everybody?" He smiled knowingly. "You didn't tell your friends about the time turner third year."

"That's different!" She protested strongly. "Professor McGonagall told me not to."

"The gods told us not to." He replied simply, pivoting on his heel to exit through the portrait. "Oh and Harry? Thanks for the support. I have a feeling your person will be here soon."

And before Hermione could interrogate either of them, Ginny, Ron, and Neville walked in together and roped them into a conversation about Gryffindor quidditch.

Hermione was infuriated.

Lou Ellen paced her new office excitedly. The castle her mother had told her about was simply magnificent. It thrummed with the music of magic, as if the building itself was alive! There was so much she had to study, so many ways to improve her charm to turn people into pigs.

She really had been shocked when Chiron had messaged her, Katie, and Katie's sister Miranda for a meeting. The mission seemed too good to be true. Miranda had had to stay back to uphold her duties as head councilor and also oversee the Hecate cabin, but Katie was glad to get away (and see her boyfriend). Lou didn't really understand why, he was insufferable.

"I can't believe you dragged me here to see your boyfriend!" She called over to her friend, who was organizing their desk. "He's a mess."

"Pot, meet kettle." Was Katie's only response. Lou Ellen simply scoffed, vanishing the girl's girl's work with a wave of her hand. "Evanesco."

She didn't require a wand to work her magic, but her mother had blessed her with spell knowledge combating Dumbledore. Katie, of course, had required both a wand and a blessing of magic. Neither could wait for tomorrow's lesson.

Sparing a quick glance at the growling cage beside her, Lou Ellen let a wicked smirk grace her face. Those first years wouldn't know what hit them.

I know, I know super short chapter! But I'm editing again!

A lot of you are wondering about the Thalia thing too, don't worry, more I got to come. Any ideas on what the monster is?

Much love,

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now