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Thalia Grace was harshly woken up the next morning by a bucket of water poured in her face.

"Oh Hades that's cold" She yelled out in between profanities, all while fished out one of her hunting knives and placing it on the neck of a half-asleep Percy. 

"I didn't do it," He muttered groggily, saying the words as a reflex to his rude awakening.

"Yeah sure!" Was the daughter of Zeus' disbelieving reply, "Who else likes water?"

"Water?" He said in confusion, completely clueless. Just then, Thalia realized her mistake as Nico dumped another bucket of what she now realized was cherry kool-aid onto her head

The hunter of Artemis immediately broke out her infamous death glare. "Oh you are so gonna get it di Angelo!"

And with that, she chased him out of the common room.

Percy promptly fell back asleep.

The son of Poseidon rushed into the Great Hall five minutes before the end of breakfast, before promptly smirking as he took in he state of his youngest (yet technically oldest) cousin.

Nico was in quite a state. To put it bluntly, he looked worse than Seamus Finnagan after a particularly explosive charms lesson. . . and that was saying something!

Thalia was smiling too, but her grin was a lot more menacing than Percy's. Less of a 'oh haha my cousin got wrecked' way, and more of a 'I'm gonna rip his throat out later with my bare hands'.

Somehow, she still pulled it off.

Slowly, the buzz of conversation died down as the students notices Dumbledore standing up. When there was complete silence, he spoke.

"Due to recent. . . events," Everyone saw his gaze shift to the Americans. "We were unable to introduce our newest Defense teacher. Will everyone please give a warm, warm welcome to a personal friend of mine, Professor Brunner!" (That's right, no Umbridge!)

The demigods all exchanged looks of excitement. "I can't wait for DADA" Nico voiced, brushing some ash off of his wheaties. The others all nodded, looking immensely pleased.

Percy smiled widely, it would be good for them all to have Chiron with them as they settled in at Hogwarts, especially to provide cover stories should anything happen. Everyone's mood was dampened, however, as McGonagall passed out a cruel reminder of their school setting. . . class schedules.

"Aww man! Double Potions and History of Magic today!" Harry groaned as the Americans walked over to the Golden Trio.

"Oh, we have the same classes." Nico observed, successfully reading over Harry's shoulder and scaring the crap out of everyone with his sudden arrival. The son of Hades had the unique talent in which he could give anyone the creeps, it was just his personality. Still scorched and dressed in all black, he looked like the definition of the dark arts, not someone who would excel at fighting them.

"Yes, except instead of divination I have a muggle studies." Hermione replied once she'd regained her wits, quick to correct.

"I thought you dropped that class?" Harry asked.

"I had a free period and I didn't want to waste it doing nothing," She answered as if it were obvious. All the Gryffindor 5th years groaned, that was Hermione through and through. Only she would want an extra class instead of a free period.

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now