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"Aren't thou glad to see me?" Zoë Nightshade questioned playfully, pouting in a poor attempt at a hurt look. "Here I stand, so fain to see thee all, and I'm greeted in such a passive manner." Her face softened as she looked at Percy once more, the first male she'd grown to respect since Heracles. "The council of the sky send our greetings to the one called Bob."

Percy's eyes looked suspiciously moist as he blinked repeated, stinging with tears at the thought of his fallen friend. Though perhaps the stinging was due to the fact that he'd received a strong punch after startling Zoë. Once he'd finished his blinking spell, he was quickly flanked by an excited Thalia, an intrigued Nico not too far behind.

"You're-how-what?" Thalia demanded, torn between confusion and elatedness.

Zoë looked at Nico and let out a soft sigh. "Because of that-Nico, he's the reason. However, this is neither the time nor the lodging for such a topic, let us wait a moment."

Warily approaching the hat McGonagall had pulled up from beside her, Zoë elected to remain standing as the worn fabric was placed on her head. Shifting her weight to her right leg, her bow leg, her lips curved firmly into a stubborn frown before the hat finally shouted out her house.


With the grace she'd always possessed, Zoë deftly hopped down and took a seat at the Lion's table, next to Percy and across from Thalia.

"To start, I must offer thee an apology, my time in the sky has simply made my grasp of this new dialect worse. Now, to answer thy earlier question, there are several reasons why I'm here. The first thing ye should know, being in stars is different than simply staying in Elysium. Thine essence is. . . divided. Though I was frolicking with former huntresses, I was also in the sky, with the constellations. Led by whatever is left of lord Ouranos, our role is simply to be; to listen, to observe." Here, Zoë's gaze grew somewhat dreamy as she stared into space for a moment. "Watching over Earth I heard wishes from all, words of praise and terror alike, I witnessed the rise and fall of so many, the damage they wrought. It was much like the hunt, but without the sisters who hold a place so dear in my heart. Some were tolerable, thy namesake especially, Perseus, was quite interesting to talk to. However, Cassiopeia was quite a piece of work, as was. . ." The huntress trailed off, growling as a taste akin to bile filled her mouth.

"Orion." She spat out. "At least Scorpio kept him in line, most of the time. Eventually, I found myself wanting to follow in the steps of one such as Auriga and simply letting my stars exist, while going for rebirth myself. So I bade my goodbyes, and was intercepted by lord Hades at the last moment. Your father seemed to think it best that I found a place helping to protect you dying your quest, especially after some prodding from my lady. And here I am."

"And here you are." Nico echoed.

"Pretty cool story," Travis told her, mouth full of food.

Looking disgusted, she shrunk away. "Don't presume to be on my goodside boy, don't think I've forgotten what you cretins did to Phoebe."

Thalia's face was cast in shadow at the mention of Phoebe, which captured Zoë's attention almost immediately. In a tone that at once reminded Percy why she was such a great leader of the hunt, she zeroed in on the daughter of Zeus across from her. "Tell me, what has happened to my dear friend? Thine face gives away thy pain, what has occurss during my moons in Limbo."

"Orion." Thalia growled, matching the poisonous tone the daughter of Atlas had had moments before.

A cry came from Zoë as she discovered the fate of her longtime best friend. "She had been in the hunt for nearly as long as I, she did not deserve such an end."

Silence fell over the table before Percy asked Zoë what she planned to do after he quest. Shooting him a grateful look at his lightening of the mood, she said, "Why, joining the hunt of course. Don't worry Thalia, you are still the lieutenant, but will rejoin my sisters once again." She breathed in the air with a contented look. "It's good to be back."

"Yeah" Thalia replied, grinning "It's about dam time."

As she and Percy dissolved into laughter, Zoë rolled her eyes. "Considering the amount of time it took for me to get that joke, it most certainly is not worth the merit you two are giving it."

That made them laugh even more. It was good to be with friends.

From a few seats down, Harry watched with keen eyes. Who was that new demigod, and why were the others so surprised to see her? I needed to get to the bottom of this, the curiosity would kill him if he didn't.

The next morning Chiron stood up at breakfast and announced that he would be leaving and there was a new DADA teacher coming. Trotting out, he frowned sadly as he heard groans from many students, the bar truly was set quite low if he'd been accepted with such acclaim.

As his tail disappeared out of sight, giant pink toad walked in and said something to the headmaster. Glaring slightly, Dumbledore shook his head and pointed to two girls who had just walked in, leaving the toad to angrily stalk out.

With any displeased look expertly wiped from his face, Dumbledore stood to address the school. "Allow me to introduce our newest DADA teachers, Lou Ellen and Katie Gardner."

They were very clearly more Americans, everything from their lean physique, to the friendly looks they were giving their peers pointed to it. Conner and Travis Stoll were first to react, running up and hugging a girl each.

Zoë coughed distainfully at this shows of affection. Whatever girl that was stupid enough to get dragged into a mess of a love life with those boys had her pity any day. Why, if she'd been in her right mind last night she would've slapped the idiot ba-

Happy thoughts Zoë.

Cool, cool, hope y'all like it. Forgive me for my dodgy attempt at writing Zoë's speech.


Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now