An attack

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Percy slipped away from the dinner table after about fifteen minutes, worried about Nico. Ruffling Thalia's hair (and earning a slap across the face), he assured Will he'd make sure Nico was okay before cracking open the door and escaping.

He tried the kitchens, lake, and dungeons before it even occurred to him to try the Gryffindor common room. After giving the password (Alea iacta est), Percy walked in Nico talking someone who looked incredibly familiar.

"Hey Perce!" She said pleasantly, causing Nico to spin around with a surprised look on his face.

"Why aren't you at dinner?"

"Making sure you were alright," He answered simply before turning to the girl next to his friend. "Nice to see you again Bi."

"Again?" Nico queried.

"I met Bi while I was on a quest a little after the giant war," He said. "She's from the Roman camp, third cohort."

"I arrived right after the feast of Fortuna," She clarified. "Which is why I never met you until now Nico."

"She's a daughter of Bacchus." Percy added helpfully.

"I can never get drunk." Biyla smiled slyly. "I found out at a shot drinking contested when I was twelve. That was one hell of a night."

Nico stared, mouth agape.

"The life of a demigod is never easy," Percy said sagely.

"Actually, if I recall correctly I ended up killing an earthborn and earning a political title in Turkey that night."

Nico just shook his head. "And here I thought I was just having a conversation with a normal wizard."

"But when is anything ever normal with demigods."

The other two just nodded emphatically.

A soft pattering woke Percy in the early hours of that morning. Sliding out of bed and shaking his head to clear his mind of the horrid nightmare he'd just faced (Annabeth, Tartarus, he was so not in the mood to talk about it) he went to investigate. Tiptoeing around Travis' bed, he walked in to the bathroom.

A slight stream of hot water was dripping for the shower head, settling into a fine mist that fogged the bathroom mirror. The water pooled on the floor, about ankle deep. A dim light softly illuminated Percy's face in the mirror, looking gaunt and suspicious. His eyes felt heavy as he blinked, before something appeared on the mirror that had definitely not been there before.

Watching You

Painted with someone's finger, smudged on the corners. Panicked, Percy spun around to see. . .

No one. Only water. But now it was waist high and stained a dark red; swirling and pulling, dragging him under. He was drowning, but how? And there was screaming, so much screaming, the blood heavy, clinging to his pores like the dirt Gaea had set him into.

"Harry! Harry, wake up!"

Percy shot up at the yell, hair matted to his forehead. The curtains thankfully still drawn tightly around his fourposter. The scream hadn't come from his, but from somewhere else. Something was wrong with Harry.

Sprinting into the boys dormitory, he saw Harry thrashing around the bed. With expert movements, Percy dodged around the boy's and the mess of curling limbs, propping the boy's head up while supporting his back.

Harry whimpered meekly and his eyes shot open, roaming the room.

"That's it, nice and slow." Percy adopted his 'Annabeth voice', the one he used whenever his girlfriend had a nightmare. "Deep breaths Harry, you're safe. Can you count to ten for me?"

The wizard clenched his fists and slowly drew breaths. "There was a snake," He said clearly. And ignoring Seamus' flinch, "Voldemort's snake. And Ron's dad. He, I saw it, he was. . ."

Harry threw a look at Ron that Percy had seen millions of times, guilt. However, before Ron could follow up, Neville ran in with Professor McGonagall.

"Mr. Potter!"

The next thing Percy knew he was in the headmaster's office, still supporting Harry, being told he'd be expected to stay at someone named Sirius' house that Christmas holiday. Arthur Weasley had been attacked and no one was safe.

Shoutout to all who commented! Love you guys.

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