New Kids and Shattered Dreams

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Fred Weasley stumbled up the stairs leading to the hospital wing, supporting his twin George, who was unconscious. A defective Puking Pastille had caused him to pass out, though the sweet did succeed in getting them both out of class, which was a bonus!

Half-blind due to his lanky brother, Fred nearly crashed into the pale boy rushing past him. Only when he turned to face them did the Weasley realize it was one of the new kids, Nico di Angelo if he remembered right.

"Oh sorry!" The son of Hades mumbled out quickly, before turning to go.

"Where are you going all in a hurry?" Fred asked curiously.

The teen paused and rubbed the back of his neck. "Nothing, just visiting a friend in the infirmary."

Upon receiving Fred's pitying look, he quickly amended his statement, "No! It's not-- he's a friend from camp who's good at healing, so he came here to help out, not anyone who was injured.

"Wonderful," Fred voiced sarcastically. "More of you, just what we need."

"Gee thanks." Nico rolled his eyes sardonically. "Any chance you could point me in the direction of the infirmary?"

"No problem, I'm taking Georgie there myself," Fred responded helpfully. "But it's called the hospital wing, not the infirmary."

"Potato potato," Nico shrugged.

"That a muggle statement?" Fred inquired.

"Yeah, it's basically used for differing opinions or ways of pronouncing something, like a 'it doesn't really matter' sort of thing."

"Oh! In my house we usually just say 'leviosa leviosa', but it's mostly to mock my brother when he's wrong and Hermione's right. Harry came up with it, something about charms first year. . ."

Fred trailed off as they reached the hospital wing doors. "Well, here we are."

"Thanks!" Nico replied before rushing in and looking around hurriedly. His shoulders sagged in relief once he spotted a blonde surfer-looking dude leaning on the door to Madam Pomfrey's office.

He looked quite laid back, wearing khaki shorts, foamy sandals, and with shaggy blond hair. Around his neck was a beaded necklace, with a string of paracord attached haphazardly.

"Will!" Nico cried happily, before running over and embracing him. Fred raised his eyebrows, he had a feeling the little dudes were a bit more than friends, judging by the passion and happiness in their faces.

"Sup sunshine?" Will replied in an easygoing tone once they parted, ruffling his hair. "Miss me?"

"Yeah sunshine," A new voice from inside Madam Pomfrey's office piped up mockly. "You miss us?"

Nico groaned and put his head in his hands as two nearly-identical boys swaggered into view, looking about as trustworthy as two grinning bobcats.

"Hide your wallets!" Will half-joked. "The thief brigade has arrived."

"To late," The one on the right, who was slightly taller announced cheerfully, as his brother held up a red leather wallet. Flipping it open, the two riffled through it disappointedly.

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