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Hermione sat on her bed, staring blankly at the wall. There had been no tears, but she'd come close. Which was upsetting, she'd promised herself after the Yule Ball last year that there'd be no more crying over boys.

"Knock knock," Hermione jumped as Thalia rapped on the wall of her dormitory. "Hey, how're you doing?"

Hermione paled, had she been so obvious that people had noticed, she didn't think she could face the others if that were true. Noticing her worried look, Thalia quickly reassured her, answering her unspoken question.

"Don't worry, nobody else noticed. But, I feel like you might need to talk, and I don't do well with heartfelt conversations, so I brought my aunt."

With that unclear explanation, Thalia tried to scamper away, only to be caught by a dainty hand.

And in walked the most beautiful woman Hermione had ever seen. Her appearance was almost. . . changing? Was she a metamorphmagus? But then, her appearance settled. Her hair was a lush fiery shade of red, similar to Ginny Weasley's, and her eyes were a clear blue. She reminded Hermione of someone, though she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Now, now, Thalia dear," She admonished, wagging a perfectly manicured finger at the huntress. "Not so fast, you haven't even properly greeted me, even though I came when you called."

Thalia was glaring at her. "I didn't call you, Will did. He just couldn't come into the girls dormitory."

"Be that as it may-"

The daughter of Zeus cut her off, "Can you stop! Are you looking like that to mock me, did Percy put you up to this?"

Hermione was deeply confused by the conversation. The beautiful woman seemed to understand though, for she smirked impishly. "I have no control over my looks, sweetheart, Percy can explain it for you if you've forgotten."

"I should go," Thalia growled, making a mental note to interrogate Percy about it later.

"Oh, and Thalia?" Her aunt called, causing the huntress to narrow her eyes and turn around.


"Once you know, think on it. It'll do good to follow your heart, for both of you. Besides," She giggled exuberantly. "I'd love to see Arty's reaction to her prize lieutenant falling in love!"

Thalia flipped her off and stormed out.

Hermione was worried when the woman turned and looked her in the eye.

"So," She started in a business-like tone. "Where to begin? Oh yes, you can call me Té. Now, let's get start by talking about how you never really liked Percy Jackson. You see, there's love, attractions, etc, etc, I could go on forever. You were experiencing a phenomena I like to call school-goggles. After a long time stuck with the same group of boys, a girl is likely to develop crushes more on any new guy who walks into her life, especially if he's hot!"

Hermione just stared at her blankly, this Té woman was giving her strong Lavender Brown vibes.

"And as cute as you and Percy would be." Hermione snapped back to the one-sided conversation she was stuck in. "I promised Annabeth I wouldn't break them up, not yet anyway. . . Besides, Percabeth is the cutest! Maybe even more so than Pelen."

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now