The Thestrals

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Hey guys!! Sorry, its been a while, I'm going to try to get into a regular updating schedule.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks so much all of you for reason voting and commenting. It really means a lot to me.

And now, without further ado... (drumroll please) THE STORY

Percy tensed up the moment Harry made his declaration. His fatal flaw flared up, and he knew whatever had happened to Sirius he would respond tenfold to whoever had dared harm him. The short amount of time he'd spent with Harry's godfather had been amazing, and the two became fast friends laughing about pranks.

"How do you know?" Hermione asked worriedly. "Did you get another-" Here she lowered her voice conspiratorially. "-vision?"

Harry nodded and Zöe cut in sensibly. "How do you know Voldemort isn't tricking you, boy? He seems the slippery sort, for all you know Sirius is at his house."

Harry glared at her, temper rising faster than Clarisse's on a bad day. "When have I been wrong!" He screamed loudly. "My fucking godfather is in danger and I'm not about to stand here and debate about it!" (A/N: Sorry for the language)

Zöe glared at him and opened her mouth to say something, but Nico cut her off with a look. "Not now," His eyes pleaded.

"She's got a point Harry," Hermione said thoughtfully. "What if You-Know-Who is tricking you?"

"Lets just IM him and see if he's okay." Travis said reasonably. It was perhaps the first reasonable statement in the history of ever. Unfortunately, searching was fruitless, as there was none of the godly currency to be found.

"Wait!" Hermione yelled suddenly. "Floo Powder!" Ron facepalmed.

"Duh! Hermione you're a genius!! Why didn't I think of that."

The witch smirked. "It appears Ronald, that in addition to you having the emotional range of a teaspoon you also have the brains of one." She replied nastily.

He looked at her indignantly and opened his mouth to say something when Thalia shouted. "Enough! Sirius could be in danger, you two can flirt later!"

"We're not-" Hermione said quickly just as Ron said.

"I don't- um I wouldn't- er" Thalia cocked an eyebrow disbelievingly.

"Suuuure you're not, I may be a hunter but I know when two people like each other."

"Not when you do though," Will coughed into his hand, before bracing himself for the slap that would inevitably follow.

Thalia was about to retort angrily when Harry bellowed, "ENOUGH! LET'S JUST CHECK THE FLOO AND RESCUE HIM!"

"Geez ok!" Nico muttered.

Together, all walked up to Professor Ellen's office and 'The Golden Trio' used a pinch of green powder to make Sirius's house elf appear in the fire place.

"Master Harry" He croaked. "The blood-traitor and the Mudblood. How. . . pleasant."

"Where's Sirius?" Harry snarled angrily, looking like he wanted to wring the brings neck and knit him into a scarf.

"Master Sirius?" The elf feigned ignorance, finally saying. "Not here."

"Listen to me Kreature is he at the ministry!?" Harry said urgently.

The elf looked around before quietly whispering, "Yes." and smiling a toothless grin. "Have fun at the Ministry master Harry! Come back. . . or don't!"

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now