Diagon Alley

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Harry James Potter had been having a bit of a crappy summer, to say the least, even before dementors had showed up. No one had answered his letters (even his so-called best friends), Dudley and his squad had been an absolute pain, and now he might be expelled!

Now, of course, he know that his friends weren't answering due to direct orders from the all-knowing headmaster Dumbledore. It made guilt spark up underneath his teenage rage, he should probably apologize. He needed to let out his emotions, he supposed, but his friends weren't the ones to do it on. His only solace was the fact that Dudley would continue to be a prick no matter what, at least he anger was justified there.

After a few days being cooped up in Grimmauld Place, Harry knew he needed some fresh air. Originally, Mrs. Weasley was just going to get their books and such herself, but as soon as Harry announced he'd like to go, the others admitted that they'd been feeling the same as well.

"Ron!" The motherly woman yelled up the stairs, calling to her youngest son. "C'mon, we're about to leave."

"Sorry mum!" He said, taking off down the stairs, two at a time. "I was just looking for a good broom to get."

"Oh, yes." she said "Don't worry dear, you'll get your gift. Are you sure you want to waste your gift on a broom?"

" 'course I'm sure" He looked at her incredulously. "What else would I get?"

Sirius shot them all a wistful (and was that a hint of a jealous) look as they all piled into an enlarged car and were chauffeured to the Leaky Cauldron curtesy of Tonks. The bubbly author was thankfully a lot better at maneuvering in cars than while walking, and their were no accidents.

Once in the Alley, Mrs. Weasley took Ginny, George, and Fred to get their things, while Tonks herded Ron, Hermione, and Harry to find theirs. While exiting the quidditch supply store with Ron's new broom, the group saw what was by far the strangest thing of the day.

Three teenagers and a tiny girl were standing together. The tallest, a thin, muscular boy with wrinkled clothing and messy hair similar to Harry's was standing to the side, arms crossed with a smiling playing on the corners of his lips as he surveyed the situation before him.

The youngest, a petite, lithe girl with dark hair who looked no older than twelve, spoke to the other two, who were engaged in a vicious stare down. "Come along children," She urged in an ethereal voice. "We mustn't tarry, your parents are waiting for us, do you really want to give them more reason to fight? Just stop this silly dispute and come on."

She sounded much more mature than her appearance let on, though her eye roll showed an impatience her tone did not.

"I'm sorry, my lady, but I cannot," The only other girl of group said, never looking up from the eyes of the final member of the group. Her eyes glinted dangerously, and she looked seriously punk. Her coat held tons of buttons for bands Harry had never heard of, and her shirt read I'm not dead, just resting. All in all, it was quite a look, only ruined by the silver circlet that was placed on her head, the kind a muggle might wear at her sweet sixteen. "I'm not moving until Nico takes back what he said."

Hermione, Ron and Tonks were staring intently at the group as well, awaiting what would happen next. A small crowd had formed around the group of oddly dressed wizards.

The last boy, Nico, was surprisingly standing his ground, glaring just as much as he stared down the angry female. Harry was impressed, he knew if he was in the boys shoes he'd be shrinking into his aviator jacket and bolting.

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now