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It had been a while since the holiday break, and exams were quickly approaching. Ginger McClarens, a Hufflepuff sixth year, had said it best: "OWL season makes me remember why there's a cushion charm on the North Tower."

Personally, Percy was living the dream. Annabeth had loved her birthday gift, and now the two could communicate without wasting all their Drachmas. Aside from the occasional nightmare, all was going smoothly.

"Percy!" Hermione called from her perch on a chair where her head was buried in an Ancient Runes textbook. "Can you quiz me? No one else wants to."

With good reason too, Hermione was the worst person to study with excluding perhaps Draco Malfoy. Percy sheepishly looked up from his spot where he was braiding Parvati Patil's insanely long hair while gossiping with Lavender about Harry's disaster of a Valentines date with Ravenclaw's Cho Chang, who's flat was right near Lavender's family store.

"Sorry Hermione, but I'm a bit occupied. This braid won't french itself. . . wait." The girls giggled at him and continued to chatter. Harry clearly didn't have Percy's mad relationship skillzz.

Since the exchange students were demigods and all like twenty (Thalia stayed eternally sixteen, but whatever) they didn't have to take the tests.

Helping to study was pointless with Hermione correcting them at every step. They all loved her, but her fanatic studying became a bit more than endearing around exams.

And Percy missed Annabeth. Sure they'd been writing using Eggy, but it wasn't the same. It had been over six months since he'd even seen his girlfriend's face.

After Percy was finished braiding hair (Lavender insisted she be next), they circled up by the common room fire and talked about their camp. Will was telling everybody about Leo when Hermione asked about the gods. Zoë started with the twelve Olympians, and then passed the task to Thalia.

"Okay," The huntress began. "So you know the Greek Goddess of the Hearth?"

"Um, Hestia?"

"She's one of my favorite gods," Percy spoke fondly, thinking about the picnic Nico and him had attended in Connecticut so long ago. That was a day tied with less than ideal memories: May Castellan, Nico's Betrayal, the Styx, etc.

Evidently the son of Hades was ruminating too because he said, "I wonder how Mrs. Castellan is?"

"Probably still making cookies." Percy responded sadly. He wondered what might be different if she was the oracle. . . The oracle! That reminded him, "I wonder how Rachel is?"

"We should IM her!" Travis said excitedly, ever since Rachel helped him prank the Ares cabin they two were quite close.

Percy fished out a Drachma from his pocket and waved his hand, swirly some vapor into a fine mist (and ignoring any thoughts of his dream). "Oh Fleecy do me a solid, show my Rachel Dare at the whatever school for girls!"

This got him strange looks from wizards and demigods alike.

"Why don't you ask Iris, who's Fleecy?" Connor asked.

"It's a long story." Percy told them, just as an image of his favorite red-headed mortal appeared.

She was in some sort of stuffy looking dorm studying a book about hTe orrePp EorPsutr oBko orF irGsl (The Proper Posture Book For Girls). Not even looking up from the ridiculously thick book, she smiled. "Remembered I existed finally? How goes the quest?"

"Same ol' same ol'," Thalia waved her hand dismissively. "But while we're talking-"

"Not joining the hunt." Rachel stated firmly, before her smile turned mischievous and she looked up from her paint covered jeans. "I'm thinking you guys will have enough drama coming soon with having to train a hopeless mortal to shoot a bow."

"What do you mean by that!" Thalia's eyes narrowed at the oracle.

"My cue to go." Rachel responded, just as the bell rang behind her. Talk to you guys later!"

"Wait! What did you mean Dare?"

"Oh I'm sure I just meant that with Zoë coming back a lot will happen." Rachel winked obviously. "Good luck with your exams."

With a flourish, she closed the book and swiped her hand though the most, dissipating it.

The Wizards exchanged slow glances. "How did she know about our O.W.Ls?" Ron scratched his head confusedly.

"She's the bloody Oracle mate" Harry said exasperatedly. "Were you even listening?"

"But we should really study!" This from Hermione. "I mean our O.W.Ls do start in a couple days."

"Way to kill the mood Hermione." Ron grumbled.

She smiled sweetly at him and went back to reading her textbook.

Hermione was freaking out about the tests.

She had been irritable ever since she got some Ancient Runes question wrong.

The boys seemed to be doing okay, Ron was struggling a bit, he had somehow managed to turn a dinner plate into a mushroom or something.

Another girl conjured up peacocks and the exam had to be paused.

On the last test Harry fell asleep and started twitching.

When he woke up he said he was going to go to the hospital wing, but he turned the wrong way.

When the tests were finished he walked up to all of us and yelled "Sirius has been kidnapped by Voldemort!!"

Sorry! It's been a while, my wifi like wasn't working and I was on vacation with my family so the next update will be soon.

Peace out blue cookies

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now