The Future

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Just notifying y'all of plans and stuff.

1. I'm going to finally edit this story. There will be changes. Most notably, it wall all be switched to 3rd PoV.

2. I have some stories in the making, don't worry. However, I don't want to release them until I'm a fair way through.

3. Which of these stories sounds most interesting, I'll devote most of my attention to that one so it'll be out quicker:

•A Doctor Who fanfic

•A Perzoë Mortal AU

•PercyXHazel AU

•A Multiverse Fanfic (starring our very own               PJ, will not be Percabeth)

Let me know in the comments! Until then: over and out,


Edit: Both the Doctor Who story and the Perzoë are up, anyone interested, please go over and check it out.

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now