Department of Mysteries

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As the four landed on the deck of the Argo II, Nico bent over in pain as he felt a hard object collide with his face. "Oww!" He yelped. "Really Zöe, again?!?"

"That's what you get for holding my hand without asking boy!" Zöe said angrily.

He toppled over, clutching his throbbing face.

Someone snickered, "Dude, you totally just got owned."

The Superstar McSchizzle himself was there, leaning casually on the railing. He gave a bro handshake to Percy and turned to Zoë. "Hey there gorgeous, what's your sign?" He asked jokingly

"Out of your league." Zöe replied. "And I know for a fact you're dating my half-sister.''

A girl with chocolate brown hair and a white dress came out on the deck holding a potted plant, when she saw Zöe, she dropped it.

"ZÖE!!" She shrieked, before racing over and hugging her. "I haven't seen you in millennia, I thought you were dead!"

They talked quietly and Nico walked over to Leo. "So you're dating Zöe's sister huh?" He observed mildly. "Fair warning, don't break her heart or else you'll have an angry hunter out for your blood."

Leo looked at the son of Hades seriously. "I plan on stating with Calypso forever."

Then Calypso walked over. "Zöe had informed me of your predicament, this is no time for idle chit-chat repair boy! We need to help the wizards."

When they returned, all four stood there, Thalia looking queasy. Shadow traveling had never quite agreed with her.

"How're we gonna go?" Jason asked seriously, waving in greeting to the newcomers. "Can Nico and Hazel shadow travel us all there."

Percy answered, breaking away from Annabeth, who had found her way into his arms. "Definitely, but I don't think Thalia here can take another trip."

"Will she be okay?" Piper asked concernedly.

"Thalia is strong, I'm sure she can handle it." Reyna said confidently.

Thalia gave a weak nod and thumbs up.

"Even so," Percy disagreed. "We want her at her best. I can fly with her there."

Everyone nodded, and Percy went down to the stables as the others left in shadows.

As soon as they were gone he turned to his cousin seriously. "Will you be okay?" He crouched down next to her, green eyes meeting blue.

" 'course I am." She brushed him off. "The flight there will give my stomach time to settle."

"That's not what I was talking about."

"Oh." Thalia paused. "Oh. I'm. . . I mean, I'll be fine."

"If not I can fly you to camp."

"No!" She practically screamed. "This is stupid, I can handle myself."

"Just don't let it get to your head." Percy told her, stepping back up. "What if something happens to-"

She cut him off with a snort. "What if something happens to Annabeth? Besides, I'm not even sure of this Aphrodite crap, thanks. And I'm not some delicate flower who can't handle herself."

"It's just that this is the first time in a while you're seeing them." The son of the sea god told her evenly. "But I trust you. Now c'mon, they're waiting."

Thalia stood up, only her eyes betraying her uncertainty. Pulling her onto the back of Guido, the Argo's resident pegasus, they took off. Thalia tightly latched onto the saddle, knuckles white.

"To be clear, kelphead, I'm only on this with you because it's convenient."

Percy his eyes, choosing not to comment on Thalia's fear of heights. That was a battle he could fight another day.

There was a more pressing war to win today.

They all arrived roughly the same time, Percy only a minute or so behind them. Together, the twenty of them crammed into the small booth and pressed the numbers. (A/N:Bonus points if anyone knows them!)

All the way down to the department, they group was silent. When they ran in, all saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione battling furiously against at least twelve masked servants of Voldemort.

Nico scoffed, these were the mighty wizards they were battling. He could likely take all of them weaponless on one foot. Not to sound cocky or anything, but they weren't that skilled.

Behind him, Annabeth pecked Percy lightly on the cheek. "You ready Seaweed brain?"

"As I'll ever be, Wise Girl."

And together they charged at them.

As Percy cut his sword at a wizard, he absently wondered if it would hurt them, they weren't demigod but they weren't mortal either.

'Question answered' Was his only thought as a death eater fell to the ground, bleeding profusely. Across the room, Harry wasn't faring as well.

"Lucius!" He sneered. "How's the job going, not Voldemort's favorite for long, you can't even get this!"

He held up a crystal ball and the death eater (Lucius) lunged for it as Harry pulled his arm back.

Rushing over, Percy expertly stabbed Lucius from behind, his long blond hair splaying about him as he toppled. However, Percy was only aiming to disarm or disable, not to kill; Blondie would wake up in a couple hours, hopefully in prison.

Suddenly Hermione shouted worriedly, causing Percy to spin around. Sirius was angrily dueling a female death eater.

The death eater raised her wand and yelled "Avada Kedavra!", a jet of green light shooting with aim directed right right Sirius.

Time seemed to stop around Percy. All he could her was Harry yelling "NO!", before he saw it: The flash of blonde hair.

And then his wise girl, his love, his everything, jumped in front of Sirius to save him from the killing curse.

Her hair created an almost halo around her as she hovered in the air a second before crumpling to the ground, lifeless.

Wise girl

Don't kill me ;)

Peace out blue cookies!

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now