Epilogue: Twenty-One Years Later

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Epilogue! I love you all so much and I have love writing this book!

I'm literally crying right now, you all are so amazing.

Lily Luna Potter walked around with her brothers, as always they were fighting.

"Just because you didn't get in Slytherin doesn't mean you're still not a total creep!"

"I am not! Daaaad! Tell James to stop being mean!"

"You're such a baby, letting mom and dad protect you!"

"Well yeah, that's kinda what they're for."

"Shut up Albus! Stop acting so smart or before you know it you'll be a Ravenclaw!"

"I would rather be a Ravenclaw than a stuck up little brat like you."

"I'll have you know that I am older than you Albus Severus Potter and if you don't like that you can suck my-"


". . . Sorry mum."

She tuned out her family and looked around. She was in The Big Apple. New York City.

It was her birthday and she had always wanted to see the Empire State Building. Right now they were walking in Central Park, weaving between bikers and walkers alike.

Suddenly her dark eyes widened. "Did you see that?" The young girl asked nervously.

"What?" Her father asked worriedly.

She looked around once more, but saw nothing.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw. . ." She trailed off.

It must have been nothing. But she could have sworn she had seen some teens running through the park holding bronze swords.


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