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Wise girl

Faster than seeming possible, Percy was at her side, head laid on her chest, checking for a pulse.





In just an instant, his swept out from underneath his two feet.

She couldn't be gone.

. . . but she was

. . . wait. . .




Was she. . .


It was definitely a pulse. It was definitely a pulse!

Percy started to cry tears of joy as she stirred within his arms.

"Dam wizard." She croaked out, flickering her brilliant grey eyes open.

Percy beamed at her "You scared me owl face."

Hearing the shouting continue around them snapped the two back to reality. This was a battle, tearful reunions could wait. Quickly pulling his girlfriend to the sidelines, Percy asked one last question.

"How are you still alive?"

She smiled. "Half-god, seaweed brain! Spells don't affect us the way they do with wizards or mortals. Don't you ever use your brain?"

He shrugged sheepishly and she looked up at him gravely. "Did I save that man?"

"Sirius?" The son of Poseidon asked rhetorically. "Yeah he's right over there dueling-"

His voice faltered as a stream of green light hit Harry's godfather in the chest and he flew backwards into an arch.

Fate indeed has a cruel sense of humor. . .

All Percy could see was red, nobody hurt his friends and lived. Cutting down numerous wizards, he soon reached the foul creature who had killed his friend.

"Aww did the bwaby wike widdle Siri?" She said mockingly, pouting playfully.

He raised his sword, but before the world was ridded of one more traitorous bitch, the air seemed to bend. Voldemort himself appeared, fashionably late and dressed in all black for murder.

"Not so fast Jackson!" Was all he said, before waving a spell that cast Percy deep into Morpheus' domain.

When Percy's eyes fluttered open, he was at Hogwarts.

"Morning Sunshine!" Thalia chirped, perched lightly at the foot of his bed.

Her cousin grumbled and threw a pillow at her.

"C'mon, you've got to see the headmaster, and I have some new developments to inform you of."

"Did you finally work up the guts to ask Reyna out?" He asked sleepily, mussing his hair and sliding up. Throwing the pillow had been a bad idea, now he had nothing to lie on.

"Shut up!" Thalia hissed, glaring strongly.

However, both jumped as a clattering rung out from behind them.

None other than Reyna herself stood, eyes wide as she stooped to pick up the hairbrush she'd dropped.

"Oh Hades!" Percy cursed, fully up now and ready for damage control.

A few of you guessed it! The mystery person is our very favorite Roman Praetor.

We're almost the end, my loves. Only one or two more chapters left!

Love you guys.

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now