Boggarts and a new girl

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Thalia took small, apprehensive steps forward, approaching the boggart with the upmost of caution. There was a pause, before a it morphed into a figure. A tiny child was curled in fetus position, still and unmoving. A mop of raggedy blond hair covered his eyes, and his arm was bent at an odd angle.

"Jason?" She whispered, voice feathery light and quivering like crazy. "Jason!" Running over, she knelt next to her dead brother, wearing the same clothing he'd been on the day Hera had taken him.

A slight jingle made her look up, before her expression hardened. The cause of the noise were the plastic bangles the women standing above Thalia wore. They shimmered and glittered as she moved, her blue and orange wraparound twisting around her legs. Teased blonde curls framed her face and mouth, which seemed to be twisted into a permanent frown. "He's gone Thalia," She said coldly, glaring at the girl. "And you weren't there to save him."

"Mother," Thalia spat out, scowling despite the tears that still glittered in her eyes. "Long time no see."

The woman didn't react, Beryl Grace just continued to stare at her daughter. After a moment, she shook her head and stalked off, disappearing. The second she left, the young Jason stirred and sat up, arm swinging uselessly. "Thalia?" He croaked out.

She was at his side in a moment. "Jason!"

"You didn't save me! You let her give me away!" The boy sobbed. "I kept crying and telling her that you'd be back, that you'd save me, but you didn't!" His tone became cold. "You didn't do anything."

"I'm so sorry Jason!' Thalia said shakily, her eyes shining. "I looked everywhere for you, it's our mothers fault."

Suddenly Jason's faced turned menacing.

"Making excuses are we?" He spat in cold fury. "Always running away! Little Thalia Grace, running to escape her past.

"And everyone keeps on leaving you! Luke, Bianca, Silena! All of your closest friends, dead! Ever wonder why they keep leaving? Because you're. Not. Good. Enough."

Thalia had been slowly backing up, but now she was in a corner, facing her biggest fear.

"I'm sorry." She whispered one last time, before her voice grew stronger. She knew that she had to beat this challenge, no matter the cost. "But I think you've got it all wrong. And you're not my kid brother, you're nothing more than a pathetic lowlife that gets its kicks from preying on others all because they'll never find love. I think that maybe you're the one not good enough. Riddikulus!"

She straightened up with a triumphant smile as Jason turned into his normal age, arm in arm with Piper. He was happy, and he was alive.

"Excellent work Thalia, five points to Gryffindor!" Chiron awarded. "Mr. Jackson, I believe you're next."

As Percy got up, every demigod expected the same scene to appear, Annabeth tortured, his mother dead, an absence of blue cookies, or something of a similar caliber. What they got, however, wasn't what anyone had even considered.

The boggart turned into Annabeth and Percy, arms linked together, just as Jason and Piper's had been moments before. They kissed and then Percy walked off, leaving only Annabeth. The daughter of Athena, who had been smiling brightly, dropped into an expression of despair.  She had been putting on a show for Percy, she wasn't truly okay; she wasn't happy with him.

That was his greatest fear.

Not being able to comfort her, and be the one she went to first. To not be her best friend before her boyfriend, and to fail to care for her deeply; to neither love her nor be loved.

Percy wasn't even able to attempt at a spell, because Nico stepped in front of him, sensing the situation would've gotten worse if he hadn't intervened. He began to immediately second guessing me himself, however, when the boggart turned into a pale girl wearing a floppy green cap, his sister Bianca.

"Boy." She said coldly, upper lip curling.

He flinched.

She started to yell at him about different things (his powers, Will, how he wasn't as good as her) before he finally snapped.


His voice lowered to a deathly calm. "I am the ghost King, and you need to leave. Go. To. Hades." Nico snapped his fingers and the boggart disappeared.

Chiron smiled broadly, oblivious to the stares. "So," He said with a wave of his hands. "Lets move on to fatal flaws shall we?"

Through a combination of an intense questionnaire and a series of trials, Chiron was able to figure out the fatal flaw of every kid in he class.

Ron's was gluttony.

Harry's was love.

Hermione's was fear of failure.

What an unholy trinity those three made.

The grade level chatted interestedly with their friends about their results all the way until dinner. The demigods were all sitting alone at one end of the table, next to Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Neville.

Percy picked sullenly at his food, berating himself for not facing the boggart better.
If he ever faced that thing during a time of actual danger he'd be screwed, not to mention his friends could get hurt; and that was something he couldn't allow.

After dessert, the Hogwarts Headmaster stood up. "There will be a new student coming to school tonight-"

"Not another one!" Was a reoccurring groan heard across the halls.

"-and if you value your life please be kind to her." Dumbledore concluded pleasantly.

Thalia perked up at this, if the new girl was as he'd described her, the two would get along just fine.

The doors opened slowly and a tall girl strut in, head held high. Before any demigod could see her face clearly, Percy darted over and hugged her. Without missing a beat, she slugged him in the chest before taking a moment to look at his face. After such a harsh greeting, she was quick to warmly hug the son of Poseidon.

Then she turned an everyone got a glimpse of her face. Her skin was a deep caramel, and her nose was high and aristocratic. She had an aloof look about her, despite her enormous grin. Her eyes were the same dark black as her hair, and they glittered dangerously.

Then she looked at the end of the Gryffindor table and gasps rung out.

"Aren't thou going to greet me?" She asked pleasantly, smiling at Thalia and Nico.

The girl was Zoë Nightshade.

*Cue innocent whistle* Well this seems like an excellent place to stop. Don't worry, I'll explain everything in the next chapter.

Love y'all,

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now