To leave

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Supernatural quote up there. It's a really great quote, I love Chuck.

Percy wanted to shoot himself.

Me and my big mouth. . .

He hadn't gotten this far in life to be killed by a huntress.

"Reyna, I-" Thalia started, eyebrows furrowing.

"Don't." She cut her off, "I want the truth, Thalia. It what was said true, or just Jackson being Jackson."

The two looked at each other in silence, neither breaking eye contact. Reyna leaned against a four-poster while the daughter of Zeus considered what she should say.

"And what-" Her voice cracked. "What if I said yes?"

Reyna tilted her chin up. "Then I would say you should talk to Lady Artemis about the parameters of female dating in the hunt."

"Put some thought into this, have you?" Thalia quirked her mouth into a teasing smile.

"No regular demigod will heal my heart, but I would say an immortal huntress is something else entirely." Reyna winked.

The two shared odd little smiles and for the first time, Percy believed there was hope.

"Don't get me started on you Perseus Jackson." Thalia called out, as both turned to glare.

Oh he was so screwed.

Percy looked around the dinner table that night, (wincing at the aching pain it brought his bruised face) the happiest he'd been in a while. He was with his family, alive. Tomorrow they'd return to camp. Zoë was alive, and Annabeth sat next to him.

The wizards still had a war to fight, but the victory from the night before had given them hope.

Not even Dumbledore Unterhaltung their meal for a long winded speech could intrude upon their good humor.

As the man stood up, all set their forks down from their golden plates (aside from Nico, who was eating cereal. When asked about it he would reply "Lady Demeter may have her flaws but she's right about one thing, cereal is really good!").

Spreading his arms, Dumbledore began what looked to be a hopeful speech. "Students and Guests, a great victory occurred last night. Now I am not speaking of our battle with Lord Voldemort last night."

A chorus of flinches resounded at the name.

"No I am speaking of the teamwork, though some may have doubted them-"

Here he gave Harry a look. (Dumbledore, throwing Shade)

"-They still aided us and I believe this marks the beginning of an amazing partnership between our two races."

He beamed at the in front of him with his electric blue eyes.

"So let me say thank you to the Demigods, for saving us and starting many great things."

He raised his goblet and everyone followed suit chanting: "To the Demigods."

Then everyone started to clap.

The next morning the whole school waved goodbye as all mounted some Pegusi Percy had brought.

Leo paused when he noticed some girls crying. Why wouldn't they be? I mean, as the Super Hottie McSchizzle he must've made quite the impression.

"All da ladies love Leo!" He stated proudly, causing Calypso to smirk widely. "Actually if you listen to them I believe they're crying over the fact that Percy has a girlfriend. Lets face it, the only girl dumb enough to like you is me." She said cheekily.

"Good thing I have you then." Was his smart reply.

"You better believe it repair boy!"

And together, the group flew away from the magically school, likely never to return.

All that's left is the epilogue! I love you all so much!

Thank you my dedicated readers for commenting and voting, it means a lot to me!

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now