. . .Unless you share with everyone

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Hermione didn't drop the subject the next morning, or even the day after that. She simply hated not knowing. Between pouring over ancient texts trying to find a myth that coincided with Zoë, and doing all her classwork, she was wearing herself thin.

Finally, Will took pity on her and gathered all the demigods up so she could ask them what she wanted to know. . . with no ensuring they'd answer them, though.

"And, you guys were surprised to see her and-"
Hermione was cut off by Thalia.

"Can't you be surprised to see a friend you haven't seen in a long time!" She questioned. "A very long time," she mumbled under her breath, to tick off the brunette witch more than anything.

"See that!" She yelled, hair crackling with magic. "You're keeping secrets from us!"

Zoë cut off anything anyone would've of said. "Thou art giving me no say in this. The fun has been had, but must this lady be reduced to sorrow?" She asked pleasantly. "No Thalia, she must not. Thy may protest, but must trust us. For I shall not be the one to ruin this mission"

"Finally some answers!" Ron said, clearly relieved.

"Don't interrupt boy!" The huntress said scathingly, and pretense of kindness dropped in the face of his rudeness, however unintentional.

"Many moons ago, I held the position of lieutenant to Milady; just as Thalia does today.

"We were helping the Lady Artemis track a manticore when we happened upon two demigods, young of face but not of mind." She paused. "Well, perhaps not Nico."

All snickered as she continued the story in that odd way of hers. Laughing at all the right points, and sitting deathly quiet when the fight against Atlas came about. At the end, Hermione stared shamefacedly at the floor.

"While I don't regret asking, that story was yours to tell. It was wrong of me to be so persistent. I'm sorry. But I do think we shouldn't keep secrets, it's important we all trust each other."

"Let us know when you're gonna mention the secret society you were thinking about forming to us then." Percy winked, before heading up and leaving her open-mouthed. The others all shared fond smiles and retired to their respective dormitories, Zoë grumbling about having to share hers ("When with Lady Artemis I had space,").

Harry was left alone in the common room.

Well, not completely alone.

On her way back from a date with Michael Corner, Ginny slipped in. Sliding into the armchair next to Harry she sighed and put her head in her hands.

"You okay?" The green-eyes wizard asked cautiously, unsure if he was about to get a crying girl on his hands, and unsure if he could handle one.

Ginny jumped, but when she looked at him her eyes were (thankfully) free of tears. "Oh, 'lo Harry." She hated how breathy her voice sounded. "Didn't see you there."

"Are you alright?" The fifth year repeated his question. "You look a bit, well, peaky."

She shrugged. "Could be worse. What about yourself?"

"Could be worse," He echoed with a sigh. A soft smile graced her lips.

"I know you Harry Potter, don't bottle it all up okay." Padding away she lighty touched in a gesture so reminiscent of Percy he had to smile.

Watching her retreating form, Harry thought that maybe, just maybe, he'd found his person.

The next day, the normally sleepy class of History of Magic broke routine for the first time in the recent centuries (barring the Nico incident of earlier that year). As the ever dull Professor Binns droned on about some Goblin war of 1763, Zoë got into a shouting match with the monotone ghost.

"Just like a man to get it all wrong!" She accused indignantly. "Delilah was the general not some filthy man! Do you really think General Gregson could've made a plan as ingenuous as that."

"Listen child" He yelled back (as much as he could yell, it was more like a raise from pianissimo to piano, still shocking for all in attendance). "I've been teaching this subject since before you were born!"

"I was there when thy were born!" Zoë corrected. "I was also at that war, so shut your mouth about such things thou knowst nothing about!"

All we're sure if the professor had been human his face would've turned red with embarrassment.

At lunch that day everyone was talking about Zöe argument with Binns.

"If he was wrong about that then what else was he wrong about!" Hermione fretted. "How will I be able to get a decent job if I don't know this stuff!"

"Hermione" Ron said, mouth full of food. "Why would a subject as dumb as A History of Magic ever be needed in your future?"

Everyone laughed loudly, and looking around, it was hard to believe that just last night  all were at each other's throats.

It was shaping up to be an interesting couple of months.

We're about halfway done with the book! Yay! Just saying now there will not be a sequel, sorry!

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Love ya blue cookies!!

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now