A Quest

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I really hope this goes well. The idea just popped into my head. Hope you enjoy!

It had been an extremely uneventful summer for the famous hero Perseus Jackson. Not that it was necessary a bad thing, he deserved some R&R after the strenuous Second Giant War (rest and relaxation, not rock and roll, though he wouldn't mind that either). All the son of Poseidon wanted to do was chill with his lovely girlfriend and friends. However, per usual, things were never that simple.

Annabeth had been sent on a quest with Grover, Reyna, and the rest of the 7. Even the mellow, peace-preferring Frank and Hazel went! But the prophecy had specifically stated that Percy couldn't go. It would've actually been a quite humorous situation had it not happened to Percy. Rachel had turned to him, eyes still glowing, and said in that raspy Oracle voice of hers, "Not you Percy, you have a different path."

Which sounded both ominous and hurtful.

More importantly that his impeding doom (whatever different path meant), there was another problem. It was only a couple weeks into summer and he had nothing to do. Most days you could find the teen sitting in cabin 3 or practicing with Anaklusmos. Today, he was perched mildly on him bunk, just reading. That fact alone should've been a foreshadowing of the events to come that day, but the boy was blissfully unaware.

That is, until a certain child of Hades began to pound on his door.

"Percy open up!" Nico yelled. "You need to be at the big house in 10! Hurry!"

"Ok princess patience!" Was the snarky reply he received. "Just give me a sec."

He flipped onto the floor with a grumble, what did Chiron need this time?

Thalia Grace crept along the forest floor, intently stalking a particularly dangerous breed of hellhound. Once the daughter of Zeus stood right behind it, she carefully drew her loaded bow and took a deep breath. She was just about to release the bow string, when a yell split through the woods.


The voice of a new hunter echoed on the trees, startling several starlings for their nest a few meters away. The hellhound Thalia had been painstakingly following for hours looked back and sprinted off with a victorious bark.

Thalia slowly pivoted to face the new recruit, pure rage sparking in her electric blue eyes. She let out a strangled scream that the other didn't quite catch before putting her head in her hands, grabbing fistfuls of blue highlights.

"Sorry," The other hunter apologized, fiddling with the zipped of her silver parka. "I didn't quite catch that."

The daughter of Zeus frites her teeth and met her eyes with a steely look that could freeze lava. "I said [Error 404: This sentence has been excluded from the story due to some choice words]"

The girl ran away crying. "Maybe that was a little harsh." Thalia mused, not looking too remorseful.

"Perhaps," An airy voice said.

"Lady Artemis." Thalia stood to attention at once, curtsying hurriedly.

"Lieutenant." The moon goddess replied with a curt nod. "You are needed at camp."

"Yes ma'am" Her half-sister answered and hurriedly packed her things, before being transported away by her mistress.

After a somewhat rough landing on the Camp Half-Blood grounds, Thalia spotted a familiar face. A certain gothic cousin of hers with an affinity for black, death-y things was walking away from Percy's cabin. Sprinting forward, she leapt on his back.

"Death Breath! You're here too?" She exclaimed happily.

"Hey Pinecone Grace," He replied deftly, raising a single eyebrow. "Mind getting off me?"

"Right sorry." She backed away and brushed nonexistent dirt off her black jeans.

Nico thought she looked quite pretty in her Death to Barbie t-shirt, combat boots, silver parka (complete with band pins, mainly Green Day), and silver tiara. In a purely platonic way, the olive skinned boy reassured himself, 'Nico don't swing that way. Ew, gods! Note to self: never talk in third person again!'

Eventually, the two were pulled out of their comfortable silence by a winded Percy Jackson running towards them. His hair was messed up, as always, the back sticking up haphazardly, despite any attempts to smooth it. His shirt was rumpled, and his pants had a slight tear at the bottom, as though he'd accidentally put both legs in one pant leg and they'd ripped.

"Holy Hera," Thalia whistled as she gave him a once-over. "You're style really does fall to pieces without Annabeth. Nice to know you're rocking the 'just got out of bed, no really; let me go back to sleep' look."

"Nice to see you too Thalia," Her cousin grumbled back, deciding he was too tired to respond to her mocking. "Let's just go see Chiron."

Together, the three walked to the old-fashioned, powder blue façade of the Big House. ("Guess it took fashion tips from Kelp head, huh?" Thalia had jeered.)

"Wizards!" Nico cried out. "Are you kidding me?"

"Uh no, sorry Nico." Was Chiron's apologetic reply. "They asked for our help in their last war over 100 years ago, the gods said no and their enemy almost destroyed the mortal world. We must help them this time"

"But why us?" Percy queried, ever looking for an opportunity to sleep. "Can't somebody else do it?"

"Rachel, care to repeat the prophecy?" Chiron asked the Oracle. Her eyes turned green and smoke billowed out if her mouth.

"Children of the three must go to the East
Help the wizards slay a fearsome beast
More will come from the western side
If you want to stay, by their rules abide
Once the secret has leaked out
The true enemy will come about"

Her eyes flashed once before she returned to normal, looking a bit woozy.

Percy was first to break the silence, a talent he often displayed. "What did it mean 'If you want to stay by their rules abide' The wizard's rules or the more from the West?"

"I have no idea." Chiron said, helpful as always. "Hecate has agreed to bless you with magic for the year, you will pose as exchange students from Camp Magic in America.

"I still can't believe we're going to England!" Thalia said, her eyes shinning with excitement at their quest, and also for the opportunity to satiate her ever-present fatal flaw for power.

"I know," Percy yelped happily. "Annabeth would love it there."

The three smiled thinking of how jealous the daughter of Athena would be when she heard.

"Get some rest children." Chiron said, gazing fondly at them and grinning at their antics. "Hecate will take you to get your school stuff tomorrow morning"

"What's sleep?" Nico muttered snarkily, before finding himself on the receiving end of two shoves via his cousins.

"Night Chiron!" Thalia said loudly, before stumbling sleepily to cabin 8 and passing out.

The famous wizard of light, Albus Dumbledore waved his hand through an Iris Message smoothly. Only him could make a movement so simple appear so grand. He'd just finished an enlightening conversation with fellow sage old man, Chiron. Gazing at his portraits, he flashed all an anticipatory smile.

"It seems we have quite a year in store for us."

Yeah editing! I'll try to bang out a chapter every day or two. Sorry to any new readers, this book'll be a bit confusing for a while.

Love y'all, as always!

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now