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True to what all had thought, the demigods had made time at Hogwarts crazier than usual.

Zoë had managed to get into detention with Snape because she slapped him. (Apparently, one year at at camp he cursed her so she had to sing everything for a month). The hundreds also constantly got into arguments with the ghosts about history. She was always right. Even Peeves was scared of her. The immortal teen was quickly working her way up in the ranks of Hogwart's most feared. Even the Weasley twins stayed far, far, away.

Thalia had been banned from the Halloween feast for launching a Ravenclaw sixth year out the fifth floor window when he called her 'a hot piece of ass', Slytherin's Theodore Nott had found himself in a similar situation after asking about her availability on a Hogsmede weekend. The daughter of Zeus had ended up crashing the Halloween party anyway, and nobody had cared enough to mention it to the teachers.

The twins and the Stolls were helping to refine joking merchandise. They spend almost all their free time plotting in the corner and effectively scaring the crap out of everyone.

Will and Nico practiced archery an sword fighting in the room of requirement. ('Fighting' Thalia would say with an obvious wink  and air quotes.)

Percy had gotten a pass out of all his classes to help Professor Ellen teach swordplay. They felt wizards should be taught to defend themselves if they were ever to loose their wands. Lou Ellen wowed the students with her insane control over magic, it was truly awe inspiring. Fred and George had started a betting pool as to who would win in a fight between her and the headmaster.

Katie Gardner was another new teacher who came with Professor Ellen. She helped in Defense, but also assisted Professor Sprout with Herbology. Katie was a gem, but Lou Ellen had set a hellhound on untrained first years, earning her terror rivaling Zoë.

Today though, all were relaxing. And, for the first time in forever (Cue Frozen music) Hermione Jean Granger was excited there was no class, much to her peers amusement.

Percy and the other demigods had finally agreed to show demonstrations of their powers. Down at the lake, their large crown gathered. It was the end of November, and the water was frigid. No one was even sure if Viktor Krum would swim in it.

But Percy just ran out and started walking on the lake. Then he sat on the water and made it fly around him. It was quite a show.

"Bloody 'ell" Ron murmured, with Travis nodding in agreement.

"Tough act to follow."

Then Harry asked a question. "Percy, when you revealed yourselves you told us the main idea of your story but what's the rest?"

Percy walked over, had a quick conversation with the giant squid, and then turned to them all. "Well, when I was a young boy-"

He was cut off by Nico and Will singing

"My father took me into the city to see a marching band. He said 'son when you grow up-"

Groans filled the air. "Shut up!" Connor yelled, covering his ears.

"If I have to hear you guys sing that song one more time. . ."

"You let them listen to a song one time!"

"I was expecting this from Nico, but you Will?"

"Green Day's ten times better."

"GUYS!" They all turned to Percy, who was tapping his foot impatiently, water swirling around his thumbs as he twiddled them. "Anyway, when I was. . . twelve. I lived with my mom and awful, horrible, terrible, no good, very bad, stepdad. I went to various private schools.

"We were happy, I guess." Here he trailed off wistfully, staring at the billowing trees of the forest.

"But that all changed when fire nation attacked!"

"PERCY!" the rest of the demigods groaned.

He stood up and started doing choppy karate moves (pun intended) with water floating around him. "I'm a master water bender!" he yelled

Thalia just shook her head at him.

(Zoë did not get the references her cousins were making.)

After the adventure at the lake, Nico departed from the group and trudged upstairs. He didn't need dinner.

A girl was in the common room. Her back was turned and she was whistling cheerfully. "Oh hey Nico!" she said brightly, not even turning around.

It was the girl he'd met that morning in the owlery, Biyla. Nico wanted to join his sister in the underworld as he remembered meeting her

After posting a letter to one of the school's great grey owls, someone had come in. Their conversation went a little like this.

Nico: "Oh, hello. I'm Nico."

Girl: "Yes I know, I think everyone knows you. I'm bi.

Nico: (sleep deprived and socially awkward) "Oh, me too, but I uh have a boyfriend."

Girl: (an intellectual, cackling) "No!" (choked out, barely intelligible) "I mean, Bi's my name, it's short for Biyla."

Nico: "Oh." (Standing there like a fool).

Biyla: "You're a riot, I'll see you around."

As far as the script of Nico's life went, it was a pretty low moment. He looked at the floor. feeling his cheeks flushing just as they had before.

"You're still embarrassed over this morning." She observed keenly. "If was an honest mistake. Trust me I've got some funny stories about other people too. I kinda introduce myself like that as a habit just to mess with people."

"Do you live for pain?" Nico groaned playfully, more at ease knowing he wasn't alone.

"Yep!" She replied giddily, punching his arm gently.

"Wonderful, why do I always get the crazies?"

Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter, I tried to make it longer and funny. Please let me know if you liked it!

Question: What do you like as names for a gender bend PJU?

Some I've been thinking about:



Connor= Connie

Travis= Taylor


Lou Ellen= Louis

Annabeth= Andrew

Zoë= Zäck

Comment some you've thought of! It really makes my day reading the comments.

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now