Christmas with the Order

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Thalia Beryl Grace was never one to be silenced, least of all when she had something to say. "With all due respect headmaster, my winter plans don't involve going off to some guys house."

"We can protect ourselves." Nico agreed.

"Yeah, and why don't Lou and Katie have to go?" Asked Connor.

"What kind of food will be there?" This from Travis.

"We were supposed to go to camp over break," Will added quietly.

"Children." Dumbledore cut them off sternly, no twinkle present in his deep blue eyes. Eyes Percy noticed Harry trying to catch, with the headmaster of Hogwarts duly disregarding his attempts. He wondered what it was all about, Harry looked confused and. . . angry?

Suddenly Dumbledore switched to Greek. "I'm worried that Voldemort will try to harm Harry, he already seems to have a strange connection with his mind. I would like you to keep him safe."

"Yes, because we're hired bodyguards." Thalia responded sarcastically.

Dumbledore chuckled. "Just try not to destroy the house, Miss Grace. Sirius needs a place to live."

Ignoring a disgruntled daughter of Zeus, he pulled out an old kettle. "Place your hands on this," He directed in English. He counted down, but right before the Portkey took off, something dangerous flashed in Harry's eyes. They were a bright red and glaring directly at the Professor.


And just as soon as the glint appeared, it was gone. Each felt a jerk in their stomachs and quick spinning before toppling to the ground.

Connor groaned, at the bottom of the dog pile. "On the way back, we're taking the Pegasi."

I saw the others getting off the floor, rubbing their backs. A man with shoulder length hair walked into the room.

They were in a kitchen of some sort, creaky wooden floorboards smelling of dust and mildew. Percy spotted at least one cupboard that dreadfully needed a wipe-down, as well as what looked like asbestos resting in a particularly decrepit corner. This newcomer leaned anxiously against the rickety table.

"What happened! Phineas said something about Arthur and Voldemort's snake!"

Harry got up and started talking as the other Weasleys cried.

Mr. Weasley ended up doing okay. The only problem was that his wound wasn't closing. Will had suggested a cordial that some English daughter of Demeter had discovered that could heal any wound, even that of mortals. However, the Weasley patriarch seemed set on mortal stitches.

The second time they had visited the hospital, the demigods has stayed back, not wanting intrude and instead taking time to do their Christmas shopping. Just because Christmas was a consumer constructed holiday based on a jew's birthday which was in the summer meshed with a winter festival didn't mean they would pass up an opportunity for gifts!

Percy's shopping list went like so:

Harry: A quidditch set (quaffle, snitch etc).

Hermione: A book about mythology with all the stories.

Ron: A bag of American candies.

Ginny: Snitch Earrings.

Luna: A shirt that said 'Crazy Daughter of the Rainbow'.

Mrs. Weasley: A necklace.

Mr. Weasley: A set of muggle comic books and a rubber duck.

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now