Owl Attacks and Fatal Flaws

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It took Nico di Angelo longer than he cared to admit to realized why everyone was staring at him. He'd stumbled into breakfast that morning in a daze, eyes bleary. Wiping the sleep from his face with the back of his hand, he was halfway through his bowl of Frosted Flakes before he noticed the stares he was receiving. And even then, he didn't fully comprehend why until he heard someone whisper the word god.

He felt like an idiot. Of course people were staring, they'd announced to everyone that they were half Greek god yesterday. The students were going to be hard pressed to find a more interesting subject to talk about.

After our announcement the entire school had done the most unexpected thing, they had started to clap, some of them anyway.

Nico just shrugged at everyone and went back to his food. Let them talk. There were worse things people could be saying about him than the truth. Besides, as Demeter once said: "Friends will come, and friends will go, but you can always count on cereal."

Hermione was fuming.

It not only pissed her off that the demigods hadn't told her, but that she hadn't figured it out herself. All the clues had been there! She'd just needed to put them together.

Her mood was grim as she walked into the great hall, just as the mail was being delivered.

Ducking beneath an off-course barn owl, she made her way over to her usual spot at the Gryffindor table.

Only to receive a mouthful of feathers as a huge cloud of them puffed up a few feet away from her. When it cleared, Travis and Conner Stoll were in the center of it, looking dumbfounded.

"Who in the Hera thought it would be a good idea to let owls deliver the mail?" Conner spluttered around his face full of feathers.

Nobody responded, all too busy being breathless with laughter.

"I'm so glad not to be on her bad side anymore bros!" Percy replied finally, clutching his sides gleefully.

"What happened?" Hermione asked curiously, thoroughly intrigued. After she got off the floor, Thalia started to explain.

"Athena, the goddess of wisdom used to disapprove of Percy's relationship with her daughter Annabeth, so she attacked him with owls a couple of times.

"Eventually they made up and she gave the two of them her blessing, but a few months ago, these two knuckleheads-"

Here Thalia gestured to Travis and Connor.

"-took advantage of her good mood and decided to prank her. Lets just say it involved nail polish, Apollo's sports car, Cerberus and lots of silly string."

"And they're are getting what they deserve!" Nico added, "You do not mess with Athena and get away with it."

"Duck!" Thalia called as another wave of owls descended.

"Uh, no, Thals I'm pretty sure that's an owl," Travis replied stupidly before there was a great clonking sound as a Pygmy owl collided directly with his forehead.

Moments later, Thalia's hand collided with her forehead as she wondered why she as even hanging out with people with this level of stupidity.

For an all-powerful group of half bloods they certainly lacked foresight.

After the meal, the group all made their way to DADA, only to be stopped by Nearly-Headless Nick.

"Excuse me, my lord? I'm Sir-"

"-Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, I know," Nico finished for him. "Can it wait?"

All morning he'd been having ghosts come up to him with various requests of similar calibers. He was fed up, to say the least, and most definitely not in a helpful mood.

"Well, my lord, I was just wondering if you could completely sever my head because I-"

"-Look, I've really gotta get to class, can this wait?" Nico's patience was running thin, but Nick didn't seem to be picking up on his thinly veiled hints.

That ghost must have been dumb not to realize not to push the son of Hades.

"It's kind of important sir, I'm eligible for headless water polo in forty-five minutes if my head is completely disconnected."

Nico just ignored him and kept walking, done with the ghost.

"Sir?" Nick followed him, and had the gall to look surprised when the son of Hades whipped around and pointed his sword at his chest.

"Okay now listen here!" Nico growled out, tone colder than ice. "You've spent hundreds of years like this, you can wait a little longer. Now leave me alone before you become this school's second Bloody Baron!"

He didn't raise his voice, didn't let anger seep into his voice; it was deathly calm, which was almost ten times worse.

Nick looked affronted, but left.

Nico rolled his eyes, then he stalked off to class, the others hurrying to catch up.

They raced into the room a moment before the bell rang. Rushing to their seats, they were surprised to see Chiron as a centaur, not in a wheelchair.

The Wizards all looked at him suspiciously, if the centaurs from the woods were anything to go by, this class would be an unmitigated disaster.

Chiron smiled and started to talk, "Today children, we will be experiencing magic from each of races. For the demigods: Boggarts." A chest across the room shuddered. "And I will be helping the Wizards discover their fatal flaws. Now, can anyone tell me what a bogart is?"

All the wizards raised their hands, necks craning anxiously as the warily watched the chest, remembering their third year well.

"A boggart is a magical creature that shows your worst fear." Hermione answered before the teacher could call on anyone.

"Correct! 15 points to Gryffindor. Although, in the future, Miss Granger please refrain from shouting out answers. Had you waited your turn, you would've received 20."

She nodded quickly, face coloring as she quickly glanced down.

"Alright then, can anyone tell me what a fatal flaw is?"

All of the demigods raised our hands, some slower than others.

"Percy my boy, would you like to give it a try?" Chiron's eyebrows were raised as he stared at the son of Poseidon.

"A fatal flaw is, um, your biggest flaw, and it's fatal?" He phrased it like a question, before shaking his head. "I'm bad at explaining, just let Thalia take over."

She smirked triumphantly. "Why of course, cousin mine. A fatal flaw is a demigod's--or any person's really--downfall. Their one great weakness. An example could be holding grudges, or mind-numbing stupidity." She threw a joking look at the Stoll brothers.

"Nicely phrased," Their professor commended. "20 points for Gryffindor." He clapped his hands together in excitement. "Today, the wizards will be finding out their fatal flaws, and the demigods will be facing their boggarts! Any of the demigods can opt out if they wish, for some horrors should not be shared. That being said, I feel as though it is a good experience to have, if not to grow stronger in the future."

Thalia had a sinking feeling her stomach at his words. She couldn't opt out, her pride wouldn't allow it.

But what would her worst fear be?

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now