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Harry had a great time hanging out with the Americans during the train ride. Even so, he was a bit suspicious of the newcomers. It seemed like they were hiding something at times, especially when Percy would pause after a question was asked, before contorting his face into an extreme look of concentration. . . or maybe constipation.

After disembarking, the children of the big three went off towards the boats with Professor Grubbly-plank, they were getting sorted, after all. The others walked over to the carriages.

After an encounter with these strange skeletal horses that only Harry, Luna, and Neville could see, they entered the castle and walked to their respective tables to wait for the sorting.

When the massive doors to the Great Hall finally opened, all the first years shuffled in, with the Americans garnering a fair amount of attention from their place at the back of the line, especially Nico, who looked murderous.

The hat sung his song, and the sorting began, with the new demigods being sorted last. Everyone waited in anticipation as Professor McGonagall yelled out, "di Angelo, Nico."

Percy, Thalia, and Nico broke away from the others once they'd reached the platforms. Following a stern-looking woman who waved them over, they were led to a lake filled with boats.

"Three or four to a boat, please get in orderly."

"No way in Hades I'm getting in that!" Thalia hissed at the other two. Nico nodded in agreement.

"Holy Hera that water looks menacing, and I spend most of my time in the underworld!"

"Not as much anymore," Percy smirked. "You've been at camp a lot, hanging out in the infirmary."

"Doctor's orders," Nico muttered, his face flushed a brilliant scarlet.

"Oh so you're ordering each other around now?" Thalia butted in, a wide grin taking up her face. "That's kinky."

Nico huffed and produced a string of threats under his breath, cheeks still red. The other two rolled their eyes.

"Now c'mon, let's get in the boats, I won't let anything happen to you," Percy promised. The other two glared, but grudgingly slid into a boat, which they shared with a terrified-looking first year.

Percy pleasantly spoke to the scared kid while his friends cowered, staying as low to the floor of the boat as possible.

The kid, who they'd learned was named Euan Abercrombie, shot a curious glance at Nico, who was hunched over, hands clenched tightly while he murmured 'styx' over and over.

"Don't mind him," Thalia explained through gritted teeth, not wasting an opportunity to make fun of her cousin no matter how worried she was herself. "He suffers from withdrawal when he's too far away from his dear friend Will."

Percy burst out laughing, while Nico looked up angrily. He tried to shove Thalia but lost his balance and nearly toppled into the lake. That alone was enough to make he stop, but not after he made some colorful promises of things he would do to destroy the daughter of Zeus.

He continued to curse at her so violently, that Percy was forced to cover young Euan's ears. Nico didn't stop until they were into the Great Hall and Professor McGonagall call the name of the first child to be sorted (their young friend Euan himself).

Nico continued to glare all through the sorting, while Thalia crossed her arms and looked bored. Percy was busy looking around in wonderment. "This is so cool!" He exclaimed in an excited whisper. "Annabeth would love it."

Finally, Nico's name was called, he stalked up there quickly, and the hat shied away from him slightly. He just rolled his eyes and quickly put it on, though it continued to wriggle. It was like Tantalus with his cheeseburgers. Eventually, the hat shouted out, "GRYFFINDOR!"

Next, McGonagall opened her mouth to call Thalia's name. But before she could, the huntress walked over to the hat, "I don't like my last name." Was all she said before harshly grabbling the hat and jamming it on her head.

The sorting hat said Gryffindor even faster this time. Last to be sorted was "Jackson, Perseus." who told everyone that it was 'just Percy'. He got a lot of stares as he lazily strolled up, hands in his pockets, as though he had all the time in the world. Tons of the girls were staring at him in fascination, evidently loving his American tan and attitude, but it was like he didn't even notice them.

The hat took a long time to decide before finally shouting "SLYTHUFFLEDORCLAW"

Everyone was confused. Thalia and Nico both face palmed. The teachers talked for a moment before Dumbledore stood up and told everyone that the sorting hat had tied Percy between all the houses. It had only happened once before in Hogwarts history.

"What we must do," He said calmly. "Is look into Percy's memories and decide which house he is most suited to."

"Professor!" Nico and Thalia yelled in sync, "You really don't have to do that. Why not just let Percy decide?"

Everyone considered that. It seemed sensible.

Hermione was telling her table how American of them it was to do that, for at Ilvermorny, when a student was chosen by multiple houses they got to decide.

"That. . . does seem sensible," Dumbledore said after a long pause. "Well Mr. Jackson?"

Percy shot a discreet glance at the Slytherin table that almost no one picked up. Finally, he looked over at the staff table and stated, "I think Gryffindor is where I'll fit best," with a sigh.

The house of the lions erupted into cheers and the feast began. After eating an obscene amount of food, all the students made their way to their respective dormitories and fell into deep sleep.

So I changed the plot a bit. . .

Hope you guys like it!

Percy Jackson goes to Hogwarts {Edited}Where stories live. Discover now