《24》 Grudge

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color cover by h0pe.lez (insta)


Within a few days, Hyoga arrived at Tsukasa's empire by himself...leaving behind Homura to keep an eye out towards Ishigami Village and warn them in case of something fishy. Upon arriving, he did not hesitate to tell Tsukasa the events that occurred with Gen's betrayal and Senku being alive.

 Upon arriving, he did not hesitate to tell Tsukasa the events that occurred with Gen's betrayal and Senku being alive

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Hearing the news, Tsukasa's face scorns with much furry...making the guards in the cave shiver at how much anger radiated from the male. But of course, Hyoga had more to say...

"Also..." His voice caught Tsukasa's attention, who was prepared to storm out of the cave. The brunette planned to visit a certain someone's grave to help him cope with his thoughts and plan to overthrow Senku's Kingdom of Science. Tsukasa looks up towards Hyoga, waiting for his words.

"There was a message left by someone...and her name is Kai---"

Upon hearing the familiar name, Tsukasa stood abruptly up from his throne...eyes widen towards Hyoga, "Kai--!?" But he stops himself, blinking before covering his mouth with his hand. The rest in the cave glance over briefly at their leader, unexpected by his sudden reaction. It wasn't like him to lose his cool like that.

With a small sigh, he mutters under his breath, now going back to sit on his throne, "What...was her message..."

"......" Hyoga waited for a couple of seconds before continuing from where he left off, "Kai sends her regards---"


Tsukasa swore he could feel Kai stand before him, her emerald eyes shimmering his way with much resentment

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Tsukasa swore he could feel Kai stand before him, her emerald eyes shimmering his way with much resentment. The same beautiful eyes that he watched fall down the cliff before him. He could definitely feel the threat behind those 3 words, even if she wasn't present at the moment.
Unknowingly...Tsukasa lets out a sigh of relief, as a small smile made its way towards his face. Hyoga's usual slanted eyes, now shimmer open his way, quick to catch his expression. Seeing the way Tsukasa reacted to all this, only furthered his interest in the ravenette. 

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