《15》Clear World

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The following day...Kai gave them a hunch about who might have been behind the attack of Gen, recalling the large built of the attacker. Such a large body, who else was it going to be? The answer was obvious. 

 "Damn it! It was Magma..!"

Apparently, the man also wanted to get rid of Kohaku as well being that she was the only to go up against the brute man who wanted to be chief of the village they resign in. The Grand Bout allowed the participants from age 14 and up to fight one another to claim the title of the village chief and marry the priestess who recently became of age. According to Kohaku, the man only cares about power rather than protecting the village and as a result, went against the Magma and won the Grand Bout. Which also resulted in her being almost disowned by her father.

The event is going to be held the upcoming month and if Magma were to become chief it would make it harder for them to cure Ruri since none of the villagers trust them yet. And so, Kohaku approached the brother guards and asked for their help. Seeing the sadden look come from the usual fierce Kohaku, the two boys agreed to help out. 

 "Kohaku..." Kai calls, catching her undivided attention. She approached the blonde girl, placing her palm on her shoulders reassuringly...as her emerald eyes gleamed with determination. 

  "Don't worry...We'll help Ruri, no matter what,"

 Kohaku's blue eyes widen at Kai's encouraging words, almost tearing up at how reassuring the taller girl's words were. Odd enough, she felt like she can completely trust in Kai. Why was it? Kohaku then flashes her a smile of hers, as her heart warmed up by the slightest. She was glad to have others who supported her.

"Thank you...Kai,"



Gen's injured body was nowhere to be found. Chrome, Kohaku, and the guard brothers panicked when they found out and quickly looked for Kai And Senku. They found the taller girl first, seeing her come in view as she carried a net of fish for them to eat. They approach her, quickly asking if she saw any sighting of Gen. 

"Gen? Yeah...I saw him leave this morning when I went to go to fetch some fish," Kai says, shrugging her shoulders with a rather calm look on her face. Chrome and Kohaku freak out, letting out a sync yell at Kai's words.


  Kai blinked at this confused, unsure why they were so angry at her. Did she do something wrong?

 In her defense, Senku came along after their sudden yell, picking his right ear as he looked over at them with a deadpanned look, "Looks like he went back to Tsukasa..."

  They turn to Senku, alarmed by his lack of concern. What was up with these two? Were they not worried about Gen exposing them?? Kohaku took out her weapon like knives from her back, ready to launch herself to find the mentalist when Kai was quick to stand before her, resulting both females to fall onto the dirt path. The boys stare at the sight with shock, as Ginro slightly blushed at the intimacy of the two girls.

"Kai--!!" "Kohaku--??!"

  Kohaku grunted by the impact, now hovering over at Kai. Her blue eyes narrow at the emerald eye girl, not understanding any of her actions, "Why are you stopping me, Kai?" Kohaku yells from above, "We have to catch that bastard--!!"

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