《12》 Unexpected Guest

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Around sunset, Suika returned after going around the village investigating about their needs. On her return,  they found themselves sitting near the fire place, eating up the fish that Kai was able to hunt earlier that evening. With Suika's great detective skills, Senku was able to find out how he was going to bribe them with....FOOD!


 "So we're gonna cook for them..." Kai recites Senku's words from last night, munching on the fish she was having again as both Chrome and Kohaku nod alongside her. 

  "What does cooking have anything to do with science?"  Chrome churns, irking a brow towards Senku who looked over a few ingredients they've collected in the meantime. But the genius boy seem unfazed, he lets out a smirk, "Everything in fact. Food is Science...Where do you think gives that umami flavor to the fish you people eat? It's glutamic acid and inosinic acid..."

 Kai turns to look at the fish she was eating...as Senku's words echo in the back of her head. She tilts her head in wonder, 'I've never thought about it that way...'

  Senku then peers pass the three, taking note of what Suika had been holding onto her small hands as she played around with the small pup, "Suika, what's that you got there?"

  The small girl turns to this, now waving the object around, "This is my friend Chalk's favorite toy~! I call it DogTail!!"

  But Senku corrects her, "It's foxtail actually...but that will do," Senku is unable to keep his grin as his eyes shine, "With just this!! We'll be making our old world's most delicious meal--!!"

 Kai blinked as Senku's words echo in her head. Old world's most delicious meal?? Could he have possibly meant--???

  Kai's eyes began to shine, now dropping the fish she was eating, in which Chalk happily grabbed with his small mouth. Kai turns to Senku, eyes beaming as she closed in on him. He was startled at how close her face has become,  trying his best to contain a rising blush.

 He was startled at how close her face has become,  trying his best to contain a rising blush

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 "H-Hey...!! W-What are you--"

  But Kai ignores his words, proceeding to gently hold his hands as her glittering emerald eyes peer over at his crimson ones with hope, "Pasta??! Are we making pasta--!!?"

 Her words caught him off guard, eyes widen in shock as he blinked just slightly. Seeing his dumbfounded expression her hopeful face quickly sinks into a light frown. 

 "Aren't you planning on making flour with that...?" She questions, now letting go of Senku's hands, much to his dismay, and tilts her head. He had to contain a blush at how cute she looked now.

  "Yes...we are making foxtail flour...but I wasn't planning on making Pasta though..." Senku was quick to notice the small frown upon her face when he said that. Did she love Pasta that much? Was it...perhaps her favorite meal?

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