《9》 Once Again

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'There's no way any human can survive that fall...'

   Senku cursed at himself, feeling utterly useless as he was unable to do anything to prevent Kai's fall. 

'Dammit! If only I---' But there was no point in dwelling about it now. What's done was done...there was no going back. It was ironic really, Kai was someone Senku was searching for....hell he was waiting for even 4000 years only to lose sight of her once again. He was thinking of giving the emerald stone he's been carrying for the past years with him back to her...since it originally belonged to her. Now he was unable.

  Once again...he was alone...

Taiju and Yuzuhira had to side with Tsukasa since Senku did 'die' in the hands of the man. Not to mention, the two would serve as spies in the future when Senku gathered enough allies for the Kingdom of Science. And so...he was in search to find the "X" People who fired out the smoke signal earlier that day. 

 But first...

"I need to find Kai's body..." Though as much he dreaded to see her all bloody and deformed from the fall she took, he still wanted to take her and at least bury her body in respect. Maybe then...he might be able to properly give her the emerald stone back...

 He chuckled dryly by his own thoughts, laughing at himself. He was finally bringing himself to return the stone back when Kai is dead. What was the point of it, when he could have returned it when she was alive?

 But he couldn't bring himself to do so...afraid to see the outcome of it. What if she didn't remember? What if she got upset? 


 Senku ruffled his hand inside his pocket, taking out the said stone. His red eyes peer dearly at the beautiful stone, flinching slightly as he recalled her shining emerald eyes. He closed his eyes, still imaging her fall down the cliff...

"If only I was strong enough..."

Senku tried not to be hard on himself, but he couldn't help himself in doing so. There were so many things he could have done to help Kai out. He sighs, now putting back the emerald stone inside his pockets as he searched around the area were Kai might have fallen...

 But strange enough...he was unable to find any trace of her being.

 That is till he found a pool of blood near a bush...he rushed over to check it out...but he was unable to spot Kai or anything else that could belong to her.

"Blood...?" Senku wasn't sure if it was Kai's or a wild animal's, "There's a 50/50 chance this could be her blood but..." It was strange...there was no trail of blood anywhere either. 

  But before Senku could take another step closer when he heard a loud bang from somewhere, it almost sounded like a large tree that fell down. He hesitated for a brief moment, peering back at the bush.

'I swear I'll find you---!' Senku turns from his heel before finding the source where the large boom sounded. 

'Just hold on a bit longer---!'



A young man turns to the gentle voice of his 5 year old daughter, her big emerald eyes that much reflected his very own stare at him with much sadness. He frowns at her sad face, now leaning down from his position in order to match her own height.

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