《26》 Let's go to Hell Together

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Color art by h0pe.lez (insta)

"We're gonna make Space food!"

Kai could only deadpan after hearing Senku's suggestion...while the rest of the gang repeat after the strange words with much curiosity. They were currently in the outskirts of Ishigami Village, as the area was completely surrounded by the white fluff of snow. Magma, Kinro, Ginro, and Kai just returned from gathering some woof requested by Senku for their next project--

But she was not expecting to be making space food in order to defeat Tsukasa and his Empire of abnormal men. The mentalist, who now walked up beside the ravenette, recognized the look Kai had, he too feeling the exact same thing.

"Don't worry Kai...Even I don't understand his motive~" Gen perks from beside, mimicking the girl's deadpanned expression. Both knew well not to doubt Senku's ideas, even if they sounded crazy and absurd. But they couldn't help but not understand this time. Just what was he trying to accomplish with food? And space food at that?

"Are we going to bribe them with food or something?" Kai directs her question towards the science boy, perking his interest as he now lets out a smirk of his.

"No~ Instead, we'll be upgrading our favorite foxtail millet ramen to be fit to battle!"

They pictured the said ramen, growing a face and piercing muscles as if it were ready to throw some hands towards anyone who wanted to defy them. Everyone else seemed impressed by Senku's claim. Kai, on the other hand, was still confused by all this, "I still don't get it..."

Ginro seemed the most excited about this 'space food', but only because he wanted to eat some of it. His older brother could only flash him a  look of disbelief, reading through the blonde's true intentions. 

Kohaku's father, the ex-chief of the village, had a crease in between his brows, now muttering his thoughts out loud, "But...why do we need this space food for battle specifically?" His eyes then widen in realization, assuming Senku's devious plan, "AH! I get it! We're launching steaming hot ramen to the enemy right??!"

Now it was Senku's turn to deadpan, while Ruri kindly disregarded her father's assumption, "No...I don't think that's it, Father,"

"There isn't gravity in space, let alone the room or time to sit down for a meal," Senku began to explain, "The stuff we'll be making is quick to prepare and nutritious, as well as small and light. It's a well thought out food called space food,"

Gen seemed to have understood what Senku was talking about, now affirming his own thoughts, "I see...Tsukasa doesn't want to attack during the winter partly because he needs more men...but--"

Senku continued off from Gen's conversation, "--Yeah, it's a simple problem. In this stone world, a mega-cold battlefield is hell. But we can overcome that problem with science, " He then smirks, "A  warm, proper meal that we can make instantly will give us a ten billion advantage!"

'Instantly?' Kai repeated his words inside her head, 'Food that is made instantly? Are....we possibly making cup ramen?'

And thus they began to work, the Craftsman team worked on the vacuum tube for the Ramen, that would help suck out the water and turn it into vapor, leaving the ramen out to dry and shrink. The rest of the villagers that were available helped prep the said ramen and the cups. Then, they were to preserve inside an igloo made of snow until the next day.

"!!! Don't tell me...!!" Gen seemed to have also figured it out, gasping a bit. Senku smirked at this, finishing up his sentence.

"That's right. We're making cup ramen! The birth of freeze-dried food!"

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