《10》 Road to Making

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Senku couldn't believe the sight he was seeing. His crimson eyes waver slightly as her tired emerald ones stare back at him in complete shock.

"Hey! You're that guy who was fighting that long haired man--" The blonde next to Senku stops, now taking note of the state Kai was in, gasping a bit, "H-Hold on... you're a girl?"

Senku ignored her, still keeping his steady gaze onto Kai's form. Kai was currently shirtless, the only thing covering her bare chest was the wrapped bandages around her chest to her stomach, she was still wearing the dress he made for her, now dangling from her waist. But what caused his stomach to churn was the bloody bandages around her head. She was badly wounded...how was she able to--?

"Kai...how did you...?"

Kai takes steady steps towards Senku, a small sigh of relief escaping her lips, "You're...okay.."

Just then, her vision blurred just slightly, causing her to stagger. Senku quickly ran up to her, catching her in time before she fell down. He lets out a groan from how heavy she was; but he wasn't worried about that.

"You idiot--! Instead of worrying about me, you should worry about yourself first--!!" Senku scolded, arms wrapped around her torso as she was leaning over his shoulder...just the mere touch of her would have flustered the red eye male, but now wasn't the time to feel such way...not when Kai was injured like this.

He felt her chuckle dryly near his ear, making him frown. He didn't find the situation amusing...so?

"I'm fine...just a little tired..." She whispers, feeling her head getting all fuzzy. She tried her best not to lean fully on the smaller male, knowing well that he couldn't handle anything heavier than himself.

"I couldn't rest...knowing that you three were up against Tsukasa..." Kai stopped, being that her headache worsen as she spoke. Senku on the other hand, felt himself freeze at her words, but he let her continue, "I wasn't going to forgive myself...if anything happened...to..."

Kai heard a ring in her ears, as Senku's voice echoed afterwards. She couldn't really hear him...not to mention, black spots began to form before her eyes.

She was very tired, and all she wanted was to sleep...now that she knew Senku was safe.

She can finally rest...


"Bombón? What's wrong?"

The small girl perks up at her mother's words, recognizing her native tongue. The girl's mother frowns at the way her daughter's emerald eyes glitter from her tears. The girl hiccups, wavering to tell her mother the truth. But she remembered she was taught not to lie.


"Try to calm down...I can't understand a single word that came out of your mouth...!"

The small girl nods, now wiping off her snot from her small nose, "Papá's stone...! The really pweety one--!"

The woman perks at this, recalling the said stone her daughter carried around. It was a gift from her father, an emerald stone that reflected both of her daughter's and husband's eyes.

Since the man was a businessman, he was often away from home due to the business trips in all parts of the world. That stone was the only thing that made her daughter and father feel connected to one and another. He too carried the same exact stone.

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