《32》Miracle Cave

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Underline words = speaking English

"There's one thing I'm certain now..."

The archer by the name of Ukyo has now joined in with their plan to overthrow the Tsukasa Empire. Surprising enough, he was a man with good intentions, since he viewed Tsukasa's violent actions as morally wrong. But due to his cowardice, he was unable to do anything and turn a blind eye to the man's doings. 

Though this whole deal was through the phone, Ukyo was able to tell that Senku was a kind man, especially after he discovered the mission Senku gave to Yuzuhira. Which was to assemble all the broken statues that Tsukasa has destroyed, and hope to revive them all.

This also cleared up another uncertainty the archer had in mind;

"When Hyoga attacked your village, he told us that you had attacked his men with poison gas,"

Kai glared at the speaker, feeling a familiar rage grow gradually inside her. She recalled the incident where the said man set flames onto the village. After all the damage he's caused, he still dared to say that they were the ones who killed his men? Her teeth grind, whispering in a low voice,  "Tch. That damn bastard...!"

And it seems like Ukyo as well knew otherwise, "But it wasn't you guys...it was Hyoga. Tsukasa and Hyoga are both at the top, but they are very different from each other,"

At the boy's words, Kai briefly remembers Senku's theory on Tsukasa. The thought of it being true brought her heart into a fit of guilt. Doubt and uncertainty clouded her heart...

Tsukasa, who she thought was someone evil all throughout...wasn't what he seemed, and has his own reasons for doing such things. 

'I think...I now understand...' Kai muses, silently glancing over where Senku stood. His expression was calm and collected like always, but she knew that under that facade he was a man full of good intentions, even if they were a bit over the top. The singer never failed to be impressed by the science boy who she met through this apocalyptic world. Every course of action he's taken has view things in his perspective.

A boy who strives for his goal to revive humanity, a boy whose ambition never ended with just science...a boy who will help anyone, even if they had done wrong for him. 

'Honestly...he is...'

Senku seems to have caught her endearing gaze, looking over where Kai continued to stare at him without wavering. He blinked, unsure why she was staring at him in the first place. Even though he could have felt flustered at the moment, somehow..he didn't feel that at all.

Unexpectedly, the corner of his lips churns upwards into a smile...an unexpected form of expression coming from him. It wasn't his usual snarky smiles or smirks...no...it was very different from the rest. His eyes have softened, the crease on his eyebrows was long gone...he almost seemed content.


Kai's eyes widen at her own thoughts, almost stumbling in her position by those unexpected words that now continue to echo inside her head. Cute? Cute?? Did she really think that the evil science boy was cute? 

'No...I must be mistaken...' The singer looks away once Senku turned back to speak with Gen. She was baffled, flustered even by the words she just described the fellow companion. This was the first time she found a guy cute, let alone Senku of all people. Was it the rare smile he just showed her?

Kai takes a quick peek back where Senku stood, wondering if her words were true. But seeing that she had no reaction upon seeing his face...she assumed that she found him cute in the spur of the moment.

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