《3》In Denial

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"I'll join that quest of yours..."

Senku was flustered after recalling his rather awkward moment with the emerald eye girl. It was totally out of character for him. He wasn't an expert about things like romance and was aware of these feelings...though it was the least of his worries. But look at him now...he was bothered by the fact that the same girl who saved him years ago....took in his hand and shook it.

"Hey Senku....I have been wondering..."

The science boy turns towards his companion, paying close attention to him while his hands busied themselves in sewing the animal skin together. Senku offered himself to make Kai's clothes since the current one she was wearing won't last much longer...and since she was a girl, she needed proper wear around 3 teenage boys. 

 "What?" Senku asked, raising a prominent brow at the male who seems to be staring off towards the familiar girl who was busying herself in collecting firewood, Tsukasa surprisingly helping the girl out. He wondered why Taiju was staring at the girl so intently.

 "You seem to lose your cool when the Boss is around," Taiju points out, making Senku flinch visibly. Did Taiju notice of his love-struck state? "Are you scared of her or something??"


 Senku wasn't sure whether to feel relief or annoyed by Taiju's oblivious mind. So he proceeds to smack Taiju lightly on the head, confusing Taiju with his sudden action. Just before Taiju can say anything when Senku pulls him close, almost as he wanted to whisper something to him.

 "Promise me that you won't yell okay?" Senku narrows, making Taiju nod fiercely at his words...just what was so important that made Senku become so serious like this? 

"Remember about the girl I told you about? The one who saved me back then?"

Taiju racked his brain at this, recalling about the said girl that Senku excitedly told him about once he returned to him. Taiju even knew that this mysterious girl was the same one that caught his dear friend's heart, "Oh yeah!! The one with the emerald eyes and stone right!?"

 Senku nods, now continuing, "There's no way in hell I can ever forget those eyes..." Taiju listened closely, still oblivious by Senku's hints. Seeing his stupid look, Senku had no choice but to tell him directly...even if it slightly embarrassed him.

"Kai....is that girl..."

 It took a few seconds for Taiju to recalculate Senku's words before bursting out in shock....completely forgetting Senku's warning about yelling out loud; 


Senku had to pounce the man to shut his mouth, and surprisingly their outburst didn't to catch the other duo's attitude. The science boy was just glad the two fighters didn't turn his way.

 "S-S-Sorry...!" Taiju sweats, covering his mouth slightly as he peered back at Kai and Tsukasa's direction, "...I got excited--"

 Senku sweats, "Excited for what? There's nothing to be excited about..."

 Taiju frowns at Senku's negativity, instinctively grasping Senku's frail shoulders with a firm grip, as he forces him to stare at his determined eyes, "Of course I'm excited!! I'm overly happy that you have found her Senku--!!" He exclaims, but not loud enough for the two to hear, "You've been waiting for her for years!! Man, even centuries!! You like her right?? Not to mention, you can finally return the stone that she left behind--!"

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