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!! Congratulations on completing Stone Wars!!

~Thank you so much for the support~

And now!

We'll proceed to add more character info on my OC Kai Garcia

OC INFO....so far from Season 2

Her first & her last name is written in Hiragana


かい [ KAI ] がるしあ [ GARCIA ]




"Kai" (Senku, Gen, Chrome, Kohaku...)

"Goddess" (Senku, Ruri, and the villagers)

"Boss" (Taiju)

"Sempai" (Yuzuhira)


177cm or 5'9

(Taller than Senku and Gen)



Petrification Date(s):

Year 2019 (Petrified by UNKNOWN)

Year 5739 (Awakens just a few days after Tsukasa)


American (Hispanic and Japanese descent)




'Goddess' of Ishigami Village

Kingdom of Science

Visual description:

Kai is a young woman with black hair, bangs sway sideways along with a small mullet. Her eyes are often described as emerald stones, one of her notable features. Her skin is neither pale nor tan, as the only visible stone cracks seen on her is the G Clef note on the upper part of her left arm. As mentioned by many of the characters, her face is described as pretty. Kai is also described to be very tall and rather fit, being one of the few tall female characters in comparison to Ruri, Kohaku, and Yuzuriha.

She continues to wear the long sleeveless dress, while in winter she would wear a long fur coat...close to resembling Senku's.


With the flashbacks, Kai's father goes by the name of Diego Garcia. In Chapter 33, Tsukasa revealed that Diego was a game developer in a company called RISE Entertainment and often donated some money for NASA. Despite his busy schedule, he shows how much he cares for his daughter, Kai, who became mute due to some circumstances at school. He even blamed himself for Kai's suffering while she claims it was neither her parents' fault.

Diego also shows a comedic side to him, for when a young boy visited Kai he wasted no time in trying to shoo the boy away. Though the boy didn't seem bothered by the man's attempts, instead would always greet him by calling him 'Father'. Of course, Diego did not like his advances...even claiming that the boy in the future would ask for Kai's hand in marriage. He's a rather overprotective Dad.

Kai's mother, Kyoko Fujikawa, also shows how much she cares for Kai. And just like her husband Diego, she also blamed herself for Kai's muteness. The two parents value their daughter. But unlike Diego, who seems to dislike a young boy from Chapter 29, Kyoko actually is fond of the boy that often visits her daughter. Even defending the boy when her husband accused the little one of wanting to make advances towards their daughter.

Lillian Weinberg, the famous Diva, is Kai's Auntie despite not being related by blood. They had a strong bond despite being mentor and mentee. Once in a while, Kai would think of her teacher whenever she sees Kohaku and Ruri.

Abilities & Skills:

Music Prodigy - As seen through the story, Kai's singing ability is described as a goddess, having the power to either soothe or make others feel sentimental with her voice. She has been heard singing both in English and Japanese, and it may be possible that she knows more. She also seems to be talented in playing all kinds of instruments, mentioned by her that learning to play unique instruments was a hobby of hers. Her knowledge of instruments is no joke, as she was able to make a few instruments in the stone world.

Martial Arts - Kai is often seen in fighting situations, such as her confrontations with Tsukasa and Hyoga. She has been using familiar kicking styles from Taekwondo, similar to Tsukasa. She is able to hit her targets, only using her legs.

Flexibility - Often times she was seen to be flexible and agile, able to dodge and balance herself out. And according to Tsukasa's investigations, Kai has taken gymnastics at a young age.


Music(singing and playing)

Lillian Weinberg


Ishigami Village


Unnecessary violence


Kai is usually seen with a stoic face but she is capable of smiling and expressing other emotions at the given time. She does not sugar-coat her words, so she often appears to be someone who is cold and bold. Despite that, she deeply cares for those who are close to her, and she would do whatever it takes to protect them, even if she isn't in the condition to do so. This often makes her stubborn and reckless, as mentioned by both Chrome and Senku. She also isn't afraid to confront someone whether they are friends or foes.

Kai easily holds grudges against those who do harm, and even believes that forgiving them is unacceptable even if they try to improve. But after her confrontation with Senku, she begins to doubt that belief. In recent chapters, she even apologized to Magma and Tsukasa for her doubts.

Love interests:

|Senku Ishigami|

In Season 1, Senku decided to toss aside his feelings towards Kai. All of this for the sake of saving humanity...not to mention...it could be used as a weakness against him. Though despite that, he sometimes can't help but look her way and feel otherwise. Senku tries to limit his time with the ravenette, hoping that one day his feelings will go away.

But that path will be quite a challenge.

|?Tsukasa Shishio?|

Tsukasa has been seen thinking about Kai a lot, it has been shown that he is interested in Kai. Whether romantic or not, Kai is someone he hopes to befriend to mend their relationship. And the feelings are mutual on behalf of Kai.


The man who calls Kai "My Queen" has shown up in a few of Kai's flashbacks. He is shown to be the little boy that often visited her when she was mute and shares a bond with her. And it is hinted that this boy of her childhood is possibly the statue that is seen at the end of chapter 34.

I will be updating Kai's info onto the next season~

If you guys have any questions~ Feel free to type in the comment section down below~


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